One more

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It's the day of the semi finals today. We are facing the USA. I'm quite nervous actually because of that game. We played them twice last year. One win and one loss so everything is possible today. This could be our last match but I really hope it isn't.

I wake up in the morning with Leah's arms around me and my head cuddled into her side. She is just wearing a crop top and some shorts since it's getting pretty warm in this room every night. I slightly raise my head and take a look at her. Her hair has fallen into her face a bit so I carefully try to remove it without waking her up. I tuck the hair behind her ear and I can't help but to place a kiss to her forehead in this moment. She moves her head a bit after that and opens her eyes.

"Sorry for waking you up." I say and stroke her cheek.

"I don't mind." She says with a raspy voice while looking into my eyes. I have to smile as she looks at me like that.

"Semi finals today. Are you excited?" I ask to get her attention back since she seems to get lost in my eyes.

"Mhm." She just mumbles. I don't know if she heard my question. I close my eyes for a second to stop her from staring.

"What are you doing?" She immediately says.

"Getting you back from your dream." I laugh.

"How is the bite?" Leah asks while just overplaying what just happened. She asks me that question every morning.

"Everything is fine." I say. I also say that every morning.

I hear a knock at the door and sit up. I don't know what it is with people constantly knocking at our door. I sigh and get up to open the door.

"Wait, put on a proper shirt. Maybe it's Sarina or a staff member." Leah says at me. She is right. I'm just wearing a top as well. I grab one of Leah's T-shirts that is just hanging on a chair and put it on. I see how Leah smiles as I do that. I go and open the door. In this moment, I'm thankful that Leah told me to put on a shirt because it's indeed Sarina.

"Good morning." She says at me. I don't understand why she is here.


"I just wanted to check in on everyone. Is Leah here?" She asks. I get nervous about that question. I don't know if I should tell her the truth. She probably knows that she is here and I don't know if she wants that or not. Technically we are breaking a rule with that.

"Yes." I just say and decide to be honest.

"Oh good, I thought she was already at breakfast because no one opened the door at her room." Sarina says with a smile.

"No, she slept here. I know that this is against the rules and I'm sorry about that." I say. I'm afraid of her reaction.

"Don't worry. This rule isn't for you. I know that you want to to spend the nights with each other. You are married and I get that you want to be together. I won't separate two people who are in love." Sarina says to my surprise. So I was worried for nothing. I love how supportive she is of our relationship.

"Oh okay." I just say. I hear that Leah is giggling in the background. Sarina says goodbye and goes on to the others rooms. I turn around and see Leah laughing in bed.

"Stop laughing Leah." I roll my eyes at her.

"It's so funny how you always worry so much." She says.

"At least we know that it's not a problem now." I don't go back into bed.

"Now let's go, idiot." I say as I walk into the bathroom.

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