Wedding night

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The celebrations continue into the night. We stay there until everyone went into their rooms and then leave as well. I can't wait to go into our room with Leah. We are both a bit tipsy and to be honest I got a bit horny from watching her in that suit the entire night. We stumble down the hallway to our room. Leah grabs my hand while we walk. She opens the door and immediately pulls me after her. Once we are inside she closes the door and locks it. She pushes me back so I hit the door. I immediately kiss her.

"You look so hot." I mumble into the kiss.

"Mhm, I'm sure you'll look even hotter when you are naked." She says. Her hand goes down to my waist. I run my fingers through her hair.

"Your hair looks so damn beautiful." I say. I think it is my favourite hairstyle that she ever had. I let my hand go down and strip off her blazer from her shoulders. My lips don't leave hers and we heat up the kiss even more. I want her so much in this moment. My fingers travel over the skin of her arms while her hand is going up at my back to find the zipper of my dress. She pulls down the zipper and I move forward so the dress would fall from my body.

"I can't believe that you are mine." Leah licks her lips once her eyes checked my entire body out. I move my hand into her shirt. She breaths out as my finger makes contact with her skin. It turns me on to hear that. I quickly take off her shirt and move down to her pants. Her hand is remaining at the closure of my bra but she doesn't open it yet.

"Take off my bra." I whisper at her while I take off her pants. I want to see her. I want to see what is mine.

"As you wish Mrs. Williamson." She smiles and opens my bra. I love that I have her name now. She looks at my chest with a heavy breathing.

"I want you so much." She says. I can't wait any longer and take off her bra as well so we would both be completely naked.

"You can have me now." I whisper at her as I move forward to kiss her. I bite her lower lip and move my tongue into her mouth. I push her back while I kiss her and make us walk through the room over to the bed. I softly push her into the bed and make her sit up against the headboard. I keep standing in front of her. My hair is messy from our make out session before so I decide to put it up on a ponytail. Leah watches my naked body while I do that.

"It makes you look so hot when you tie your hair up like that." She says at me. I know how hot this movement can look. Leah did it before and I watched her. After I did my hair up, I don't want to make her wait any longer. Mostly because I can't wait myself. I get into the bed with her and climb on her lap. I sit on top of her so one of her legs is between my legs. I lay my hands on her shoulders and lean in to kiss her. I move a bit on her leg and hear how she softly moans at that. She turns her head to the side and I kiss her neck. Her fingertips run up and down on my back which gives me goosebumps.

"Fuck, you are so wet already." She moans. I suck at her neck a bit more while I start moving back and forth on her leg. I get turned on from that and listening to her moans as I gently bite her neck. I need to feel her.

"Touch me. I want to ride your finger." I whisper into her ear.

"That sounded so hot." She says. I kiss her ear and she moans. She moves her hand down at my side and goes underneath me. She knows exactly what I want to do. I go up with my hips so she can put her hand there. I slowly sit down again and she puts her finger inside me. I gasp at that first contact.

"Oh god." I moan out. Leah keeps her hand still like she is waiting for me to do something. I start with moving up and down on her finger. I press my body closer at hers and she begins to kiss my breasts while I moan out with every move that I do. Her other hand is laying at my hips and she pushes me down more so her finger gets into me deeper. Her kisses make me completely crazy. I throw my head back while I deeply moan. Leah gently sucks at my nipple and I hold on to her hair.

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