Cuddles and kisses

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I wake up from a baby cry. It's completely dark in the room. It's in the middle of the night. I turn on the light and check the time. It's 4:30. I sigh before I lift up my chest. Leah seems to still be asleep. I don't know how she doesn't wake up from the crying right next to her. I lean over Leah to get Louis from his bed. It's probably better if only one of us is up now. I softly move Louis in my arms to calm him down.

"Shh shhh we don't want to wake mummy up." I whispers at him. I quickly take off my shirt to feed him. He gets quiet and hungrily drinks the milk. I take a quick look at Leah still sleeping next to me. She looks so peaceful and sweet. Louis really must have gotten his cute sleeping face from Leah. He stopped crying as he is finished drinking and looks up at me. His eyes look exactly like Leah's. I gently stroke his head and he lets out a quiet squeak.

"You look so cute, just like your mummy. I wish you would sleep as tight as your mummy." I say with a chuckle. I slowly move him around so he gets back to sleep. I'm still so tired myself. I wish that I could just sleep. I really hope he won't wake up again. Luckily it doesn't take long until Louis falls asleep in my arms. I get up and try to move as quiet as possible to lay him back in his bed. I don't know how but Leah is still sleeping. As Louis is safe in his bed, I finally take off the lights and go back to sleep. I fall asleep instantly.

The next morning I wake up with Leah's arm over me. She must have rollen around in her sleep. I open my eyes and immediately close them again. Leah seems to be awake already and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning." She whispers at me.

"I'm so tired. It's just the second night and I feel like I can't do it anymore." I say.

"Did he wake up in the night?" Leah asks. She didn't even realised it.

"Yes." I just say.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not helping you. You should have woken me up." She hustles.

"No, at least one of us needs to sleep." I say but I wish that it wasn't me.

"I will feed and change him now. You can continue to sleep." Leah sits up and is about to get out of bed.

"No, stay here with me." I grab her hand to make her stay. I miss these cosy cuddles in bed with her.

"Okay." She smiles and lays back down. I crawl up to her and rest my head on her chest. Leah moves her hand through my hair slowly which feels amazing.

"You don't have to get up tonight. I will do everything." Leah says.

"Thanks." I just say. I close my eyes again while Leah is still stroking my hair. She makes me fall asleep with that. I don't mind since her chest is really comfortable and I'm still tired from the night.

I wake up again and I'm alone in bed. Leah is away and Louis isn't in his bed either. I slept for one hour. I hate waking up in an empty bed so I slowly get up. I make my way to the living room not even caring about my messy hair.

"Hey." Leah says as she sees me.

"Where is Louis?" I ask.

"Over there. Asleep again." She points at the crib we put up in the living room for Louis to lay in during the day. I walk over and quickly look inside.

"Did you feed him?" I ask.

"Yeah. I also got us breakfast?" Leah says.

"How did you get breakfast?" I wonder how I didn't recognise that.

"I put Louis in the baby carrier around my chest and we went to the bakery. He fell asleep on the way home." She says. She is literally perfect. She even gets us breakfast while taking the baby to sleep.

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