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Leah has been in therapy for a few weeks now and I think it's going pretty good. I don't know for sure because she never really talked to me about it. We obviously didn't have sex since what happened. Leah didn't have another flashback and she seems to be in a better mood since she is in therapy. I'm glad she agreed on doing this because I see how good it is for her. I can finally see how she is getting better.

I made some ham sandwiches for Leah while she is at therapy. I always like to do something for her to come home to when she is there just make her feel better. I can't wait for her to come home. Louis is laying on the ground on a blanket and is playing with some toys. I watch him as I hear the door opening.

"Hey baby, I'm home." She calls.

"Living room." I say to let her know where I am. She comes into the room and quickly kneels down on the floor to say hi to Louis.

"I made you some sandwiches." I say and point at the plate. I see how her face lights up at that. It's cute how happy I can make her with just a simple sandwich. She gets up and comes over at me. She leans down and gives me a kiss.

"Thanks. I love you." She says and kisses me again. Then she makes her way over to the kitchen and grabs a sandwich. She takes another one and sits next to me on the couch.

"Are they good?" I ask with a smile.

"They are fantastic." She says while chewing. They are just plain toast with ham on it but she still loves them. It's weird but sweet.

"How was therapy?" I carefully ask. I always ask her that and I always get the same response but I still want to ask.

"Good." She just says. Same as always. I give her a nod. I don't want to pressure her to talk about it. As long as it helps her, I'm happy.

As Leah finished her sandwiches, she lays down and puts her head onto lap. I like it when she does that. I wrap my arm over her chest and she holds on to my arm. She looks up at me and looks directly into my eyes. She looks so amazing. I enjoy this moment. I just hear Louis making some noises as he is chewing on a giraffe toy.

"Why do you want to have sex with me?" Leah suddenly asks me without taking her eyes away from mine. I get surprised by that. I didn't expect that kind of question.

"Umm... what?" I stumble.

"Maria told me to ask you that." She says. Maria is her therapist. Must be a lovely young lady. Leah often speaks about her. I'm still thinking about my answer. I never really thought about that.

"Because I love you. I want to share everything with you and give you everything of me. I love you so much that I feel comfortable in being valuable with you. Sex is probably the most personal thing to share with someone and I like how safe and loved you make me feel when we are intimate. I trust you and I feel like I show my trust in you when I give you control over my body. I let you have the control over me but in a good way because I know that you would never hurt me or use that control for anything other than pleasuring me. I trust you with everything I have. If that makes sense." I try my best to explain it even though it's hard. "And I also like how attractive your naked body looks but I feel like that isn't an answer I should give." I add with a nervous chuckle.

"This isn't about the answer you should give. It's just about the answer you want to give." Leah says.

"You sound so wise." I laugh.

"We talked about that in therapy today. We tried to see why this man wanted to have sex with me and Maria said that when I come home I should ask you why you wanted to have sex with me so I would see the difference." Leah explains. That actually sounds like a good strategy.

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