Back in England

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The next day we will go back to our original camp in London. I really enjoyed the time in Spain. Just spending the nights right next to Leah made me feel so much better. I know that I can't sleep in one bed with her in London and that makes me want to stay here.

Our flight goes off at noon so we don't have to stress out in the morning. I even get to spend a bit of time in our room with Leah after breakfast. We have a bit less than an hour until we have to go to the airport. I lay on my back in the bed and look up at Leah who is just coming out of the bathroom. Georgia and Beth are still downstairs with Lauren and Keira so we have a bit of alone time.

"What do we do now?" I ask her. She slowly comes closer to the bed.

"What we always do." She smirks and then goes into the bed climbing on top of me immediately. I turn my head to the side and laugh.

"We really never do anything else." I say but I enjoy this.

"I don't want to do anything else or do you have another idea?" She raises her eyebrow. I give her a sassy smile and bite my lip.

"No, let's stick with this idea." I say and pull her down. Her lips crash on mine and we passionately share a kiss. This kiss leads to even more kisses. I lay my hand on her back and Leah slightly moans into the kiss.

"Shit you make me crazy." She breaths out. I chuckle at her and she immediately kisses my lips again. I love the feeling of her lips on mine so much. I slowly run my fingers thought her hair and she goes down with her kisses. First she kisses my ear and then goes lower to my neck. She starts to softly suck at my skin and also gives a bite to my neck. I moan at that and hold her closer. I want this to go on forever. She starts to move her body up and down a bit making me feel her passion. I don't want to let her turn me on now but I can't help it.

"Fuck Leah." I can't stop myself from letting out these words. I feel her laughing at that at my skin.

"You have no idea what I want to do to you right now." She whispers while I feel her breath at my skin. These words send shivers through my entire body.

"I can imagine." I say. She continues with her kisses at my neck. I'm a bit scared that she might leave a hickey there but I can't stop her since this feels so damn good. I just feel her hand sliding down my body to my hips as suddenly the door opens and Beth and Georgia walk in.

"What is going in here!?" Beth screams. Leah immediately pulls back and rolls down from my body. Fuck this is the worst that could have happen.

"What about knocking before you come in?" Leah says at them.

"What about locking the door if you are doing this in here?" Beth throws back. She is right, we should have locked the door.

"Are you that horny?" Georgia laughs at us. I'm not even able to let out one word.

"What are you doing here?" Leah asks just ignoring her original question.

"This is our room too and we just have a few minutes left until we have to go." Georgia says. I raise my body and sit up.

"What?" I can't believe how much time passed.

"Yeah but it seems like you were too busy to look at the clock." Beth says.

"We used the time and we just kissed a bit." Leah gets up and fixes her hair which is messy because of me running my fingers through it.

"A bit? That was a bit? It looked like you were about to have sex." Georgia says at us. She isn't totally wrong about that.

"Okay relax, it wasn't that much." Leah gets out of the bed. I just let my body fall back again and lay my hands over my face. I just hope that they will forget what they just saw but I don't think they ever will. Luckily there isn't much time left to talk about it. I go into the bathroom and pack my last things to avoid Beth or Georgia asking anything else. My heart is racing. I'm not sure if it's because we got caught or because of Leah kissing me.

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