Secret night

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Song for this chapter: Sky full of stars - Coldplay

In the following days we are training every day for our first match upcoming in a few days. We play against Irland. It is an away match for us so we will have to leave the camp for a few days and have a trip to Irland. I can't wait for that and I'm exited for my first match. I know I won't be in the starting line but I hope Sarina will sub me in in the last half. I think I made quite a good impression on the pitch in training the last days. Even though I was mainly focused on something else I managed to play quiet well. Now it is only one night away of my first match for the Lionesses and I can't wait.

In the afternoon I chill with Georgia and Lauren. We have never really spoken in this group since Georgia left Manchester.

"So how is Germany?" I ask Georgia. I'm half german myself so I'm actually quiet curious how she likes it.

"Amazing. I was a bit worried because I can't speak german very well as you might know but all the girls have been so nice to me and welcomed me in their team."

"Can you say some words in German though?" Lauren asks at Georgia. I think she just wants to laugh at her when she would say something.

"I can say: Mein Name ist Georgia und ich wohne in München." She says and I have to admit that she sounds quite good.

"Wow that is actually very good." I say.

"Really? Thanks." Georgia looks proud.

"I wanted to laugh at you but now I can't." Lauren says. I laugh at her.

"And the food is great as well." Georgia adds. I nod she is totally right about that. We continue sitting there until later on Beth joins us. She sits next to me. I look around for a moment, my eyes searching for Leah but I can't see her anywhere.

"Where is Leah?" I ask at Beth but I feel like she is about to mock me for it again so I probably shouldn't have asked that.

"No idea." She just answers. Instead I see that Lauren looks at me with a face like she knows what is up. She doesn't say anything though.

"What were you talking about?" Beth asks.

"Georgia in Bayern." Lauren says.

"Right you know that you are kind of a traitor." Beth says at Georgia.

"What?" She says with a confused face.

"Switching to Germany." Beth explains.

"You are just mad because we lost the last game against Germany." Georgia laughs.

"Germany is an enemy. You can't just go to the enemy."

"Then I'm an enemy too." I throw in.

"You at least play for us and for Manchester." Beth says.

"I think that you would love it too if you would just know the players a bit more." Georgia says at Beth. I stopped listening when I see Leah walking past the corridor. She doesn't see us but I see her. That is enough for now. I follow her with my eyes until I can't see her anymore. I feel my heart beating a bit faster just from looking at her from here. I hate that this is happening but on the other hand it feels so good.
When it is getting later Georgia and Beth leave and I'm just sitting there with Lauren. She looks at me with a smirk on her face and I feel that she is about to ask me something about Leah.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask.

"What is that with you and Leah?" She asks me. I knew that she would ask me and I can't lie to her. She is my best friend.

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