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It's the morning of our honeymoon today. We have to catch our flight to Greece in a few hours. As I open my eyes I realise that I'm laying with my back at Leah. I roll around and see her still sleeping. I reach my hand out for her and touch her face. I just look at her for a moment before I lift my chest up to kiss her cheek. I like to wake her up like this and I know that she loves it as well. I press a soft kiss to her cheek and she slowly moves at that.

"Morning." I smile at her. She fully opens her eyes and turns on her back.

"I would normally hate you for waking me up but these kisses really feel so good in the morning." She says with her rough morning voice.

"I'm sorry for waking you up but we have to get ready." I say. I can't wait to be at the beach with Leah and just really get some time off.

"That's a good reason." She smiles and sits up. She leans on her hand behind her back and looks down on me. She gets out of bed and goes into the bathroom to get ready. I remain in bed and just wait for her to be done. I check some messages on my phone. We posted something on instagram for our wedding. Not much. Just a picture of our hands with the rings. I don't want so much couple pictures of us going around in the internet.

A bit later the bathroom door opens and Leah walks out. I look up and she is walking through the room completely naked. I lean on my arm behind my head and follow her with my eyes.

"Uhh what is going on now?" I laugh.

"I forgot my clothes." She says while taking her clothes from the closet. I can't take my eyes away from her. She puts on her pants but her chest is still completely naked. I enjoy this view very much. My eyes stick to her breasts the entire time. She really has a perfect body.

"Are you staring at my boobs?" Leah chuckles as she catches me staring.

"No." I shake my head but we both know I'm lying. She takes a sports bra and puts it on. She is now standing there in just a jeans and her sports bra. She has her hair tied up in a high ponytail as usual and this sight is making my heart race even more.

"God, Leah." I run my eyes over her body.

"What?" She laughs.

"You look so hot like this." I say.

"Oh really?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Yeah, so hot." I sit up cross legged at the edge of the bed. My eyes go down to look at her abs. She has this nice tan that she always gets at the end of the season in summer. I can't believe that I have such a hot wife. She walks over to the bed and leans down a bit. I lift up my head so she is able to kiss me. I lay my hand at her neck to hold her in the kiss for a bit longer. She quickly licks over my bottom lip before she pulls back. She grabs her shirt and finally puts it on.

"You are still pretty sexy." I say as she does that.

"You should get ready to see me at the beach later." She says with a wink.

"I will." I jump out of the bed and almost jump into her arms. I wrap my arms around her neck and give her kiss.

"I don't know if that was cute or hot." Leah laughs at my action.

"I hope it was both cute and hot." I say and then leave her to go get ready in the bathroom. We already packed our bags so we could immediately leave the house in the morning.

"And you really didn't forget anything?" I ask Leah for the hundredth time but she is so messy that she always forgets something. Almost every time she had to borrow something from me because she forgot hers.

"I don't think so. I double checked." She says.

"I hope so. I don't want to hear you saying that you forgot something once we are there." I say.

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