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The next morning when I wake up I immediately feel lonely. Waking up in an empty bed in camp just feels wrong. The first thing I do is check my phone. No messages from Leah. I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing. Her surgery will be in two hours so maybe she is still sleeping or already getting some treatment. I have training before I will go to the hospital later. I get up and get ready to go down for breakfast. I see Lauren and Beth sitting there already so I join them.

"Morning." I sit next to them.

"Morning." Lauren says.

"How did you sleep?" Beth asks me. I feel like you can tell my answer based on my face.

"Not so good." I say and drink my coffee to get some energy back.

"Don't worry that much. She will be fine." Lauren says.

"I know but still I want to be with her."

"How is she? I mean emotionally." Beth asks.

"She wasn't good yesterday but I think she will be better today. We started to plan our wedding a bit to distract her." I say.

"Oh really? That is a good idea." Lauren says.

"Yeah. I recommend you to keep your schedule free in June." I say and give away a bit of what we talked about.

"That is pretty soon." Lauren throws in. She is right.

"Yeah but we want to get married before the world cup." I explain.

"Why? So you can confuse everyone with two players having the same name?" Beth jokes.

"Will you have the same name?" Lauren asks.

"I will take her name."

"They can call you Williamson 1 and Williamson 2 then." Beth laughs. I chuckle at that.

"It's like you can share kits." Lauren says.

"We will still have different numbers." I say. I can't wait for the day to have Williamson on the back of my kit.

After breakfast we get ready for training. I still wish I wasn't here now but I know that Leah wouldn't want me to miss training because of her. We do the training as usual. I do my exercises together with Georgia today since I can't do them with Leah as usual. I try my best to focus on the training and not to think about Leah which is hard. By this time she should be on her wait to the surgery already. It won't be a too long surgery though. I'm quite happy when we finish training. I hurry up a bit because I need to be in the hospital before Leah wakes up. I need to keep my promise. I quickly make my way to the dressing room to get ready. As I want to leave I hear Beth coming after me.

"Emma wait. I have something for you." She says as she comes next to me.


"This is a card for Leah. We all signed it. You have to sign it too and give it to her." She holds out the card for me.

"Aww you guys are sweet. I'm sure she will be happy about that." I take the card from Beth. She hands me a pen and I sign the card along all the other team members. I find it really cute that they wrote her a card.

On my way to the hospital, I also buy some flowers for Leah. I hope to make her room a bit more colourful with that. Her surgery started about an hour ago so I should arrive just in time. I hope I do.

I arrive at the hospital and go straight to the station where Leah was yesterday. I walk over to the reception to ask about Leah.

"Hello. I'm looking for Leah Williamson. She has surgery today and I wanted to ask if you could tell me if she is already out?" I ask the woman at the reception.

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