Break up

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I wake up with Leah still holding me. I slowly turn my head to the side to look at her. I never thought that I will wake up with Leah being naked next to me. I lay my hand on her arm and draw circles on her skin. She slightly moves her head and comes closer to me. I wait for her to wake up. She opens her eyes and a smile appears on her lips.

"Hi." I whisper at her. She snuggles her head up to my neck more and breaths in at my skin.

"Did you sleep well?" She mumbles.

"I always sleep amazing with you by my side." I say.

"Do you remember everything about last night?" She asks. I think she is afraid that I was drinking too much again and couldn't remember us sleeping together.

"Of course I do. I don't ever want to forget that." I answer. I feel how she places a kiss to my neck before she moves back and lifts up her body.

"I have training today. Do you want to come with me then?" She asks me as she sits up straight.

"Mhm." I nod and sit next to her. I lay my arm around her shoulder and give three quick kisses to her cheek. She laughs at that.

"I hope you don't distract me." She says and gets out of the bed. I look up at her. I can't stop my eyes from running over her naked body.

"Don't look at me that way." She says and goes into the bathroom. I wait until she comes out again because I want to take a shower before we go.

Leah already wears her clothes for training as I'm ready too. I always wanted to come and watch her train. We get some breakfast and then drive to the training pitch. I lay my hand on Leah's leg while we are in the car. She just looks over at me and at my hand for a moment and starts to smile.

We arrive at the training pitch. When we are out of the car, I take Leah's hand. She doesn't really holds on to my hand which surprises me but I don't really pay attention to it for longer. We walk inside and as soon as we see some people walking around there, Leah lets go from my hand and puts her hands in her pockets. I get confused at that. Why is she pulling away like that? The people that are here all know about us.

"Are you okay?" I ask her out of confusion.

"Yes." She just says. I feel like as soon as we went inside here, she started to distance herself from me. I don't want to ask her anymore questions about this. I don't want to fight now.
The training is about to start and Leah shows me where I can sit on the stands. She keeps standing a bit away from me before she goes on the pitch. For a moment I think about what to do but then I just make a step up to her and place a short kiss to her lips. She doesn't kiss me back and steps back immediately. She just gives me a forced smile and then leaves to join the others on the pitch. I don't get why she is acting that weird.

I try not to think about it for the moment. The training starts and I just follow Leah with my eyes. I love to watch her playing football. It makes her look even more attractive.

Later someone sits next to me. I look over and see that it is Oskar. What does he want? He is probably the reason why Leah is acting that weird.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"I just have a day off today so I took the opportunity to watch Leah train." I say but don't look at him. He doesn't say anything more for a few minutes. I'm glad that he doesn't. I really don't want to talk to him.

"Do you love her?" He suddenly asks me. What is that question?

"A useless question. Of course I love her." I say and look at him for the first time.

"I don't think she loves you." He says. What? Who does he think he is to say that?

"What?" I get a bit angry at that.

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