What did you do?

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In the moment I see her nails my brain clicks. The colour on the muscle device. It was her. She cut the wires. I sit up and move away. I can't believe it. She promised me that it wasn't her. How could she do that? Why did she do that? Leah was right all along and I always played it down. I slept in one bed with her. I let her touch me. I was sleeping in the arms of the woman who hurt Leah on purpose. I don't even know what to do now. I get scared. How should I tell that to Sarina or to Leah. I grab my phone from the nightstand and quickly take a photo of her hands, just in case she would take it off again. I don't want to confront her now. I need to speak to someone about it and I definitely need to get out of here before she wakes up.

I get up and make my way to the door in quiet steps so she wouldn't hear me. Once I'm out of the room and closed the door, I take a deep breath. I can't believe what just happened. I run upstairs again and stop in front of Beths and Georgias room. I hope they are up already. I knock at the door multiple times. I don't stop knocking until a sleepy Beth opens the door. Seems like I woke them up.

"What the hell are you doing here? Have you checked the time?" Beth says at me and rubs her eyes.

"I know who it was." I just say.

"What?" Beth looks confused and annoyed.

"I know who hurt Leah."

"What is happening?" I hear Georgia calling. I just step inside the room and hear Beth sighing behind me.

"Oh great." She says and walks back to bed.

"What is going on?" Georgia asks.

"I know who manipulated the device to hurt Leah." I say again. Now they both seem to get it and their faces change.

"Who?" Beth asks now interested.

"It was Julie." I say.

"What? Julie? Seriously?" Georgia gasps.

"How did you find out?" Beth asks.

"I slept in her room tonight and when I woke up I-" I start to say but Beth interrupts me.

"You did what? Why did you sleep in her room?" She asks in shock. I know it was stupid.

"I felt alone and I didn't want to sleep alone. She asked me and I somehow said yes." I feel a bit embarrassed for that. It was really stupid.

"But you know that Leah hates her and is extremely jealous, right?" Beth says again.

"I know." I sigh.

"And still you decided to sleep in her room? In her bed?" Beth looks like she doesn't understand my behaviour and she is right. It doesn't make sense.

"I know it was stupid. I never should have said yes. She put her arm around me in the night and when I woke up and removed her arm from me, I saw her nails." I finish my explanation.

"She even cuddled you?" Georgia now also joins in.

"Leah was right. She is in love with you." Beth says.

"I don't know what to do now. How should I tell it to everyone?" I ask.

"You definitely need to go to Sarina at first. She needs to get fired." Georgia says. I agree with that.

"What about Leah? How should I tell her? She will be so mad." I really worry about that.

"Just tell her the truth. Don't lie to her." Beth says. She is right. The last time I lied to Leah didn't end well.

"I don't want to confront Julie right away."

"What about bringing her to Sarinas office under a false statement and then tell Sarina in front of her eyes." Georgia suggests.

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