Sharing a night

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Song of the chapter: Hot in herre - Nelly

In the evening I sit in my bed and type on my phone. Beth has gone to ask Leah and Georgia to swap roommates. I'm glad that she helps me because I really think that Leah and I need a night just to ourselves. I quickly look at my messages. I got like 10 from Steph. She send them over the past days but I never read one of them. I decided that it is the best to ignore her. At least now.

Beth comes back joined by Georgia. It looks like it worked. I look up at them.

"Who is the loud sleeper now?" Georgia laughs at me.

"I'm not even that loud." I say while knowing that this is my chance to spend a night with Leah.

"I hope you won't keep Leah up. She is annoying when she doesn't get enough sleep." Georgia says. I nod while I know well that I will keep her up but for a different reason.

"I won't." I say and grab my bag. I already prepared myself for sleeping in another room tonight.

"Good night." Beth says as I leave. I turn around and see the smirk on her face as she says that. She probably knows what is up.

I quickly go to Leah's room and knock at the door. She opens immediately. It is like she waited behind the door.

"Hello there." She smiles at me. I give her a wink and step in. I put my bag down and feel Leah grabbing my hips from behind. She lays her head at my shoulder.

"How did you do that?" She asks.

"What?" I already enjoy this so much.

"Getting Beth make us switch. I know it was your plan." She whispers in my ear.

"It was Beth's idea." I say but without mentioning that I told her about everything.

"I bet she thinks that I would want that." Leah says.

"Do you want it?" I ask while laughing.

"Oh yes I do." She breathes against my neck.

"I can see that." I say but I don't want to give in right away. I walk away from her a bit and put my stuff out of my bag. I feel Leah's eyes following me through the room. She knows I'm teasing her. I keep ignoring her as best as I can.

"Do you really want to do that now?" She asks me. I don't. I want to grab her and kiss her but I keep it cool a bit longer.

"Yes." I just say. She comes closer to me and then grabs my body. She pulls me towards her and my chest hits hers.

"You can't wait, huh?" I give her a smirk.

"No I can't." She says and moves forward to kiss my lips. I can't go back now. I kiss her back laying my hand at her neck. I feel her walking back to her bed. I breath out in our kiss. As we are about to fall in the bed I turn us around so her back is standing at the bed. I push her back making her fall in the bed. I keep staying in front of her for a moment. Too long for her since she grabs my hand and pulls me on top of her. She lets herself fall back more and I'm laying on top of her. She looks up at me with lustful eyes. I laugh and lower my head to kiss her. My hand slides down her sides to her hips. I can't stop anymore and I don't want to stop. The kissing gets more intense with every second. Both of her hands are laying on my back. I push my knee between her legs. She lets out a moan as I do that. I pull back and look at her face.

"Is it getting hot in here?" I whisper at her and bite my lip. I see her breathing heavily while she can't take her eyes away from me.

"It is hot in here for sure." She says. This feels so sexy. I want more of her, all of her. I rush forward again and kiss her lips. In the middle of our making out session I hear my phone ringing. It is laying next to us in the bed. I pull back and look at the screen. Steph. I don't let her ruin this moment. I turn my phone around so I wouldn't see the screen anymore.

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