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In the following days I go back to training and each day I can do a bit more with my ankle. I still can't fully put all the pressure on it but at least it gets better. We have an upcoming match in two days. I don't think that I will be able to play that but I will wait until Gareth tells me if I can play.

On the last training before the match Gareth talks to me after the training.

"So I spoke with the medical team and they say it is better if you don't play that match tomorrow. We don't want to risk a major injury, you know." He says. I'm not surprised and to be honest I'm rather happy. I know that I'm not in full strength so I don't want to drag the team down. They can easily win without me.

"I already expected that and I understand it." I say.

"I just hope that you will be back the next time." He says and I nod. I leave the pitch and go into my car. I want to call Leah later and think about her training schedule and then I get an idea. As soon as I get that idea, I put out my phone and call her right away. I take a face time call since I really want to see her face. It takes a bit of time until she answers it and I already get afraid that she isn't picking up anymore. She does pick up a few moments later.

"Hey Le." I smile as soon as I see her.

"Hi." She gets a bit closer to the phone. "Are you in the car?" She asks.

"Yes I just had training." I say.

"How did it go?" She always asks me that and I love it because I know that she really cares.

"A lot better already. I did a few sprints today, without pain." I tell her.

"So will you play tomorrow?" She asks. She knows my match schedule.

"That is why I am calling you actually."

"So?" She waits for me to go on.

"I just spoke to Gareth and he told me that I won't play tomorrow because they want to put me on rest just in case." I say.

"That is sad but probably the right thing." Leah says.

"Yes but do you have a match tomorrow?" I ask her. I know that she has, I just want her to say it.

"Yeah we play Lyon tomorrow." She says.

"So I thought that if I won't play here, I might come over and watch your game." I reveal my plan to her. I see in her eyes that she wants me to come.

"You want to come here?" She asks again.

"Yes, I'm free tomorrow and I always wanted to have a footballer girlfriend that I can watch from the stands." I smile at her.

"I would love to have you here." She says with a huge smile on her face. I don't think I ever saw her that happy.

"I can stay until the next morning but I have to leave early because I have physio that day." I say.

"My original plan was for me to visit you this time but how can I say no to this now?" She says.

"I wouldn't mind if you would still visit me here." I say and she starts to laugh.

"I know." She looks so cute when she laughs. I wish I could jump through the phone and kiss her.

"I guess you will sleep here then." She smirks at me. I think we both know what we will do in that night.

"If that is what you want." I bite my lip.

"I always want you in my house." She says. I know she does.

"Then that is secured." I say.

"Oh I almost forgot to ask you; did you send me flowers?" She suddenly asks. I get confused at that question because I didn't.

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