After party

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After some celebrations in the dressing room we are back in the bus to go to our party location. We haven't stopped singing and dancing. Most of us are still in their kits and didn't even shower. I at least took a shower and changed my shirt. We did some video of the celebrations and many of us already posted Instagram stories. Of course we also already drank a bit but I know that once we will arrive at the real party location this will get out of hand. It's just one evening of the entire year. I will get so drunk tonight and I don't even care. I just won the world cup so this is time to party now.

We arrive at the location. Everything is set up there. Lots of people are already there. We even got a cake. The music is blasting through the speakers. As soon as we went inside and started to talk to all different people, I lost Leah. I don't see her anymore but I don't have much time to look for her since Beth is already pulling me after her and hands me the first shots.

"How is Viv doing?" I ask.

"Disappointed but alright." Beth just says.

"Does she want to join us?" I feel like this question was stupid.

"Not really. Would you want to join the celebrations of the team that just beat you in the world cup final?" Beth laughs.

"But you are here."

"I will spend time with her tomorrow. She needs a bit of time for herself right now. Where is your girl?" Beth says. I look around.

"I don't know." I say.

"You need to find her." Beth says with a smile.


"Because I got something for you." She tells me. I get confused about that. What would Beth get for me and Leah.

"I'll go and look for her." I say but I get interrupted by Beth screaming already.

"Leah!" She calls for Leah.

"Stop screaming." I hold her by her arm.

"Otherwise you won't find her here. Leah! Come here!" She continues to scream. She is probably right since it's very crowded here. I just sigh and look around. Beth screams her name once again and then I finally spot Leah.

"Jesus Christ, what? Why are you screaming so loud?" Leah says at Beth once she reaches us. I just give her a small smile as a greeting.

"We were looking for you." Beth says.

"Why?" Leah looks at me. I shrug my shoulders.

"Because I got something for you two." Beth says and brings out two T-Shirts. She shows us the shirts.

"I got these made for you before the world cup." She says and holds out the shirts for us. I take a look at them. Both got 'My wife is a world champion' printed on the frontside. I already love it but as I turn it around, I see that one has 'Williamson 1' and the other one has 'Williamson 2' on the back.

"This is amazing." I say. I watch Leah. She also seems to like it.

"That's actually a funny idea. Thanks." She says. "I will definitely wear this tonight." She adds and just a split second later takes off her current shirt. I can't help but to look at her body for a moment. Her naked stomach is such a hot sight already. I think I will definitely see more of that by the end of this night. I decide to copy her and also put on the new shirt. I love that Beth got them for us. I look at Leah and start to laugh. It's somehow ridiculous but also so cute. Beth takes some pictures of us together with the shirts.

We are on round four of drinks already. I feel like I'm getting more tipsy but I really don't care. We have a dance floor and all dance and sing there. I lost Leah again. I overall didn't do much with her on this party so far. I'm currently on the dance floor with Lauren as I feel someone grabbing my wrist from behind. It's Leah. I recognise that just by her grip even before I see her. She quickly spins me around and pulls me closer to her in the same movement.

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