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We have gym training today. It's just one game left until camp is over again. Once again it felt like the time just passed by so quickly here. I wish the time without Leah would pass by that fast.
After lunch Leah went outside with Keira so we don't go to the gym together. I change into my sportswear and make my way to the gym. Some of the girls are already there. I look around and Leah comes up to me from the side. She lays her hands on my shoulders.

"Don't get scared. It's just me." Leah says with a laugh. The last time she came up to me from the side, I hit her in the face so I understand that she is a bit more careful now.

"Funny." I say at her.

"I know." She kisses my cheek and walks over to start with her workout. I look after her and watch every move that she makes.

"Stop staring at me and do your workout." Leah calls over at me. I shake my head to get my thoughts clear. I start to do my own exercises. I always enjoy the gym training. I can just do my own stuff and don't need to impress someone. Also I enjoy to watch Leah working out.

After I'm done with my workout, I drink something and walk over to Leah. She is still laying on the ground on her mat. She looks up at me and smiles as I stand next to her.

"Are you finished?" She asks.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Good. Can you help me then?" She says. I don't understand what she is talking about.

"How should I help you?"

"Just lay here." She moves to the side and points at the spot where she was laying.

"What do you want to do with me?" I laugh at her but still follow her instructions and lay down on my back.

"I'll make my training a bit more enjoyable." She says. I still don't know what she wants to do. She goes on top of me and I immediately get nervous. I look around if anyone is looking at us.

"Leah, what are you doing?" I whisper at her.

"Push-ups." She says and leans on her arms next to me. In this moment I get why she wants me to lay under her. I just give her a smile and she starts to go down. She comes down and shortly kisses my lips before going up again. She does her push-ups and kisses my lips every time that she comes down.

"What kind of training are you doing there?" I hear Beth laughing as she walks past us.

"Jealous?" Leah smiles up at her.

"It does look funny." Beth says and brings out her phone. She takes a video as Leah continues moving. I have to laugh after every kiss that she places on my lips. After some time she leans down again but this time stays in that position. She presses her lips on mine and keeps kissing me. I expected her to pull back but I enjoy her kissing me longer this time. I push her back a bit so her lips leave my lips again.

"You should work out and not kiss me." I smile at her.

"Sorry but you are just too sweet." She kisses me again but goes on with her push-ups. I really enjoy this feeling that she gives me. Every time that she lowers her body, her ponytail flips down and her hair fall into my face. I giggle at that. Also Leah doesn't stop smiling the entire time. She comes down once more and stays over my face. She kisses both of my cheeks, my forehead and then my lips.

"That's it. Best workout ever." She says and rolls down from my body. I sit up and watch how Leah drinks from her water bottle. I can't help to laugh at the fact that she just did that training with me.

"Why are you laughing?" She asks.

"You are so addicted to me." I smile up at her.

"I am. I don't even try to deny that." She gives me a nod. I stand up next to her.

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