Back at camp

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The next week after I visited Leah in London went by much faster than all the time before. Every time when I missed her, I just remembered that there are only a few days until I see her at camp. Now it's finally the day that I go back to camp.

I arrive at the park and as soon as I'm here all the memories from last time hit my body. All the words, touches, kisses and looks Leah gave me in this building make my heart skip faster. I look forward to make more of these memories in the next days. I walk in the hall and just as I entered the door, I see Lauren jumping up to me. I don't know why she acts like this since we saw each other yesterday but I just go with it and hug her.

"I still can't believe we are playing for England together." She says as she wraps her arms around me.

"I know, it's wild." I say.

"Hey you little cutie." I hear a voice calling behind me. I turn around and see Beth coming up to me with a big smile on her face.

"Hi Beth. Good to see you again." I greet her.

"I know that you are looking for someone else but you will be my roomie again." She smirks at me. I truly look for someone else. I haven't seen Leah yet.

"I guess I can live with that." I laugh at her.

"But I don't want to see you sneaking out in the middle of the night just to make out somewhere." Beth mocks me.

"That won't happen." I say even though I want it to happen.

"Have you told anyone else now that you are official?" Beth asks.

"Leah told you?"

"Of course she did. She couldn't stop talking about you." Beth tells me. I smile as I hear that. I think my cheeks blush a bit. She is just so cute.

"We still want to keep it a secret for a bit longer." I answer Beth's previous question. While Beth says something else I suddenly see Leah entering the building behind Beth. I immediately stare at her. I have no idea what Beth is talking about right now, my focus is completely on Leah. I can't take my eyes off of her.

"I assume Leah arrived." Beth laughs as she sees my face changing.

"What?" I shake my head and try to focus on Beth again. I don't want to be rude or something but Leah just takes all my attention wherever we are.

"Oh god, you are so obsessed with each other." Beth rolls her eyes at me.

"I'm not obsessed with her." I say but it's a lie. I'm so obsessed with her, I can't even think about anything else.

"You so are. You should have heard yourself when you came back from London." Lauren adds in making Beth laugh. To be fair I was talking about that quite a lot.

"I'm out. You two annoy me." I just joke at them and leave them standing. I still hear the laughs as I walk away.

We go into our rooms later. I'm sharing a room with Beth again. We unpack our stuff and chat a bit. When I'm done and see that Beth is still not ready I decide to take my chance to see Leah. We didn't talk as we arrive and I just can't wait any longer. I tell Beth that I get something to drink even though I could tell her the truth I decide not to.

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