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Song of the chapter: Dancing with our hands tied - Taylor Swift

"I will give everyone the keys. We will see each other for warm up training in 2 hours." Sarina says while walking through the lines giving everyone the keys to their rooms. Leah gets ours. We only get one key so we always have to go in pairs. I sigh. I still don't know if this going to be a good idea. Still I feel like I'm doing something illegal in liking her that much.

"Let's go then." She smiles at me. I just nod. I'm not able to say a word. We stand up and get our bags out of the bus.

"Are you happy now?" I hear Beth saying as she joins us on our way to the room.

"Sorry Beth." I say while I'm not sure if she is serious or just messing.

"I'm kidding. I bet Leah is very happy to have you in her room." Beth says. I look over at Leah. Her cheeks started to blush as soon as Beth said that. I find it cute when she gets that shy.

"Will you ever stop with that?" She laughs at Beth trying to play it down.

"I don't think so." Beth jokes. I laugh a bit at Leah and Beth. We continue walking next to Beth until we reach our room. Leah brings out the keys to unlock the door. She gets inside the room. For a moment I stay right where I'm thinking about this a last time. My body wants to do so many things to her in this room but I know that I can't do that. I feel my whole body longing for her. My hands want to hold hers, my lips want to touch her lips and my eyes drown in hers.

"Are you coming?" Leah laughs at me bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah sorry." I finally get inside the room. Luckily there are two beds that will take the awkward moment in the evening from us even though sleeping in one bed with her is all I want.

"Which bed do you want?" I ask her.

"I don't care. You choose." She puts a few things out of her bag.

"Okay then I'll take that." I sit on one of the beds while watching Leah unpacking her bag. She notices me staring at her but still I can't look away.

"Are you watching me again?" She laughs as I still don't stop to follow her with my eyes.

"Sorry." I feel stupid and finally look away.

"No need for that. I would watch you too." She says. I know she would. I always feel the way her eyes are feeling on my body.

"Leah?" I get her attention immediately.

"Emma?" She smiles at me.

"I'm scared that I might do something that I shouldn't do." I say very quiet. I see a confused look on her face while she knelt on her bed still looking into my eyes.

"What would that be?" She asks but I feel like she knows what I mean.

"Touching you." I whisper. I hear her breathing getting a bit heavier.

"Would that be so bad?" She says. I know it wouldn't for me personally. I want to. I want to so much.

"Not for me." I just say.

"For me?"

"I don't know." I think this entire conversation is useless. Why did I started that?

"Okay listen. I'm not entirely sure what my feelings for you are but there are definitely some pretty strong feelings. Maybe you will not be the only one who will do things that she shouldn't do." Leah says. The last part sounded sexy though. I don't know if that was her intention but she got me with her words again.

We meet Sarina and the other girls later on the pitch for warm up. We have extra jerseys for that. I know that this isn't even the real England shirt but it already feels amazing to wear this. We walk on the pitch all the girls start to run for warm ups. Leah runs past me. When she gets next to me she runs a bit slower.

"You look amazing in that." She whispers at me before running faster again. Her words still echoing in my brain. That was cute again. She really has to stop being this sweet all the time or I will not be able to resist her any longer. She is running in front of me now. I feel like she does this on purpose, teasing me. Running behind her reminders me of our first meeting when she showed me around. Just like back in that day I watch her hair swinging to her steps but this time she doesn't turn around making me blush. We all get back together and start with kicking the ball with a partner also scoring some goals. I get a pretty good shoot in the net.

"Lovely." Leah says as I walk past her.

"Thanks." I answer and stand in the line. We continue to do so for a few rounds. Then we get together in pairs and one of us has to keep the ball why the other one is trying to get it. Of course I get together with Leah. I know what an amazing defender she is so I can already feel me losing the ball. She stands opposite side of me and looks into my eyes. I immediately look away otherwise it would distract me too much.

"Stop using your eyes to distract me." I laugh at her.

"Well if you get distracted by that, that is your problem." She says and laughs. I shake my head which made her laugh even more. I like it when she laughs. She looks even cuter. I get stopped from my thoughts when I hear a whistle. Leah's sign to try to get the ball away from me. I run a bit and spin around trying to get the ball through her legs. Surprisingly I success at that. I hear Leah gasp as I run around her and get the ball back after it went through her legs. I keep it with me for a bit more until she manages to get it while I'm running.

"That was impressive and mean." She says after we are finished.

"Now you wish that you would have used your eyes again huh?" I joke at her.

"Would that have worked?" She looks at me.

"Probably." I know that I would have lost the ball in a second if Leah had looked at me.

Then it was time to go to the changing room and switch shirts for the actual match. We all sit on our spots. I sit next to Lauren. Leah is on the other side but I can observe her quite good. As I put my leg up on the bench to tie my shoe I watch Leah swapping her jerseys. She takes off the training shirt. My eyes immediately go down to look at her abs. She looks even hotter with just her sports bra on. I can't take my eyes off of her. I feel a punch at my arm. It's Lauren.

"What are you looking at?" She laughs. She noticed me staring.

"Shut up Lauren." I just say and try to look down. Luckily Leah puts her shirt on making it a bit easier for me to look away. I finally tie my shoes and see Leah putting on her captains armband. I have to admit that she looks beautiful with that jersey on but she always looks beautiful. We are all ready and stand in a line to walk out.

"Let's win this girls." Leah says before standing at the beginning of the line walking in first. We walk out and I look around. I can't believe that this is happening. I actually play for the Lionesses. I'm not in the starting eleven so I take my place at the sideline but from here I can wonderfully watch the match. I really hope that I will be able to concentrate on anything other than Leah toady.

The game starts and I watch the ball. I try so hard not to look at Leah and for the first time I quite success at that. We get a goal in after 20 minutes and another one 5 minutes later. I clap from the bench. After the second goal Leah gives me a tiny wave. I get a bit embarrassed from that but I try to stay cool. At half time it is 3-0 for us. We are quite happy but we know that we can do better than that. Sarina gave us some technical advice in the dressing room. When the second half was halfway over and we scored another goal Sarina comes up to me.

"Emma get ready. You will play in a few minutes." She says at me. I get so exited. I will actually play for England today. I get subbed in for Ella Toone a few minutes later. I run on my position giving a quick look in Leah's direction. Even though she is far away I now how she is looking at me.

I play some good balls and give Beth a good assist for a goal making it 5-0. I don't score myself but still I'm happy with my performance and I hope that Sarina is as well. I don't want her to regret the decision to take me here. Full time is 5-0.

"You played good." Beth says at me as we walk m down the pitch.

"Thanks, you too." I say.

"Well played." I hear Leah saying as well. It feels even better hearing it from her. We have a little party in the dressing room post match singing and dancing to music. It is Leah's music and I have to say she has some pretty good tunes there. I feel like this was the best debut I could have asked for.

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