Hot lipstick & baby problems

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Today is the day that I return home and finally get to see Leah again. I can't wait to see her and Louis. I missed them so much even though it's just been three days. Luckily I didn't see Julie again. I think she had to leave straight away and Sarina said that she made sure she could never return. I could at least focus for the last two days and actually did good in training. Still I'm happy to go home today.

Throughout the ride home, I start to get more and more happy. I think I even started to smile. Something about knowing that I stopped Julie and get to see Leah again feels so amazing. I hope she actually rested her hand for the past days and is a bit better now.

I finally arrive at our house and quickly get my stuff out of the car. I go up and unlock the door. I can't see Leah yet so I think she is in the living room or upstairs with Louis.

"Honey, I'm home." I shout to signal her that I'm back. I take my jacket and my shoes off and walk inside. Leah is in fact in the living room. Louis is laying on the ground and is playing with some toys. I see a smile coming on Leah's face as she sees me. She gets up and comes up to me. I recognise that she is wearing lipstick. She normally doesn't do that. It's just a light one though.

"Since when are you wearing lipstick?" I ask as she grabs my waist.

"Don't you like it?" She whispers.

"It looks good." I give her a smile and lay my hand on her cheek. I can't wait any longer and rush forward to kiss her lips. For the first seconds everything is fine but then I feel a spicy taste at my lips. I pull back and look at Leah with a confused and disgusted face.

"Why are you lips spicy?" I ask since it's getting pretty hot in my mouth.

"Because I'm still a bit mad at you for sleeping in Julies bed." Leah grins.

"What did you do?" I don't get how she did that.

"Beth gave me this chilli lipstick a few years ago and I thought now is the time to use it." Leah explains.

"They actually sell that? Who wears that? My lips are burning." I say. Leah just laughs at me.

"I told you you won't get kisses. If you want another kiss, just kiss me." She says and looks at me with a waiting face.

"I won't kiss you again. I hate you, Leah." I joke at her and playfully hit her chest. I get away from her and walk over to Louis instead. I kneel down next to him and pick him up. Just holding him against my chest feels so good. I stroke his head and smell at his hair.

"Did mummy take good care of you?" I whisper at him.

"She did. We had a lot of fun." Leah says.

"I missed you so much sweetie." I wish I could kiss him but I still have this lipstick at my lips which I don't want to put on him. "I can't kiss you because your mummy tricked me."

"Because you deserved it." Leah says. I look at her with a smile.

"What are you wearing underneath your shirt today?" I ask with a little smirk.

"You will never know." Leah shakes her head.

"I have a feeling that I will." I laugh. I put Louis down again and go over to the sink to get my lips clean. I just want Leah to do the same so I can kiss her.

"Le, come over here and take that stupid lipstick off. I need your kisses." I say at her. She slowly walks over with a smile on her face.

"I'm telling Beth that you called her gift stupid." She says. She still has this cheeky smile on her face the entire time.

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