Last match

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Song of the chapter: I guess I'm in love - Clinton Kane

Today is match day. Our last match for this camp. We have breakfast in the morning and then a bit of training. Everything goes well. The weather is lovely and I get in some great shots in the training. For the first time I managed to keep my focus on the game and not on Leah even though she is standing next to me all the time.

After training Sarina comes up to me.

"You played amazing, once again." She says. I feel so proud hearing her say that.

"Thank you. I try my best." I say.

"I really want to put you in the starting line up today because of how well you played over camp." Sarina tells me. I kind of saw this coming already but now that it happened I get so excited.

"That is amazing. Thank you so much." I say while smiling.

"You really deserve it. It's great to have you here and it seems like you get along with the girls pretty good." Sarina says. I don't think she knows how well I get along with one particular girl. She shouldn't know about that.

"Yeah they are great." I answer.

"I heard that you switched rooms. Was there a problem?" She says. How did she hear that? Did Leah tell her?

"There wasn't any problem for me. It was just Georgia who couldn't sleep well with Leah in the room and we figured that I can so we switched." I explain trying to stay calm and not give away anything.

"Oh okay I just wanted to make sure that everything is alright with you and Beth." Sarina says.

"Everything is great." I smile. She nods and I'm relieved. For a moment I thought that she knows something but I don't think that she does.

In the afternoon it is time for the match. We are in the dressing room listening to music. Again I'm trying to set my focus on the game. This will be such an important day for me. I messaged my parents so they would be here today to see me play. I'm so excited to start from the beginning that I don't even realize Leah tapping my knee. I look at her being surprised. I sit at the edge of the bench and everyone is distracted so it should be fine. She gives me a sign with her hand showing me that she wants me to follow her. I immediately know why and I don't take a second to think about it. I look at the others. No one is looking so I get up and follow Leah. She leads me in a back room and just looks at me.

"What do you want now?" I raise my eyebrow at her. I know exactly what she wants and she knows that I know. She chuckles and bites her lip.

"I just wanted to give you your kiss for good luck." She smiles at me. She is so sweet and I really can't stop myself from falling for her. She leans forward until her lips touch mine. We share a gentle and loving kiss. Even tho we kissed so many times, it still feels like it is the first time all over again. She pulls back and looks into my eyes. I love her. I want to scream it but I don't. I keep it in, making my heart even warmer.

"I'm your lucky charm, remember." She says. I like this. The ritual of us kissing for luck before every game is just so cute.

"Mhm I really hope so today." I say.

"There is no doubt that you will do amazing." She gives me a smile. "And if you score just pretend that I run up to you and kiss you." She whispers.

"Then I will completely loose my focus." I laugh. "It is hard to keep my focus now." I add and take her hand.

"I know. I feel it too." She answers. "Just be as amazing as you always are." She says while smiling at me. She gives me a kiss on the lips before we let go from each other to go back. We enter the dressing room again. Beth sees us coming in and I think she gave us a smirk. She definitely knows why we left. I don't focus on that too much. There are only a few minutes left until we would walk out. Leah goes back to her spot and then we line up. She walks first in line of course. I walk as one of the last. I still can't believe it. This feels so unreal. We walk out into the stadium. There are quite many people here today. I look around and search for my parents. They have to be in the front row since I got them the tickets. The sound of cheering and the music makes it feel even better. We stand in the line and while the anthem of the other team is playing I find my parents in the crowd. I can see how proud they look, even from here. Just for a short moment I look past all the other at Leah. She looks so concentrated. I like her game face. She looks hot when she is so serious. I can't get lost in these thoughts now so I look down instead.

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