Little gunner

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Today will be the day where Louis will attend his first Arsenal match. They play Brighton today and Leah will also be playing. The weather will be good and sunny so the cold won't be a problem. I just hope that the noises won't be a problem for Louis because I really want to bring him to more games.

Leah is having breakfast at our house before she has to leave for a bit of preparation.

"Are you still bringing him to the match today?" She asks me.

"Yeah of course. Don't you want me to bring him?"

"I want to but I'm scared that it might be too stressful for him." Leah says.

"That is why we try it. I promise you, if he doesn't like it I won't bring him again." I say.

"I hope he likes it. I want to cuddle him after the match." She says with a smile. I can't wait for that. I bet it will be super cute.

After breakfast Leah gets ready to leave. Louis is laying under his play arch. We got for him since he started to always reach for everything. Even now he is laying there with his eyes following the pieces hanging over him. I sit at the couch next to him and watch him. Leah comes back from the bathroom as Louis just reaches his hand up to grab something.

"Look he grabs it already." I say at Leah.

"He is getting big." She smiles.

"I don't want him to get big already. I want him to stay that little a bit longer." I say but I'm also proud of him for doing this.

"I know but at least you are getting closer to seeing me play football with him." Leah laughs. A very sweet way of trying to make me feel better.

"Right." I nod. I really want to see that some day.

"Unfortunately I have to go now." Leah kneels down next to Louis. "I have to go buddy but you and mum will come and watch me later, okay?" She whispers at Louis. It's so sweet how her voice changes when she speaks to him. She gives him a kiss and then gets up again.

"I feel like you are more excited about seeing him than seeing me." I laugh.

"It's his first time there." Leah says and comes over at me.

"Just say it already, you are abandoning me." I joke.

"Relax, I'll kiss you now." She says. She lays her hand at my cheek and leans down to kiss my lips. I give her a few small kisses to stop her from pulling back.

"Don't stop." I whisper and immediately connect our lips again.

"Are you that jealous?" Leah laughs. I grab her face to hold her near me. Her lips feel so soft against mine and I just don't want to stop.

"Em, I really have to go. Although I would love to kiss you longer." Leah says and moves back.

"Promise me that you will kiss me tonight." I ask her.

"I promise." She gives me a smile and I let her go. I can't wait to watch her play later. This feels nice. It feels like I'm the fan and not the player. I never really experienced that. I always wanted to be together with a footballer so I could go to the matches and cheer on them from the sidelines. This time I will even go with our baby.

Later it's time to make my way to the stadium. I thought about walking there but in the end I decide on going with the car just so I have a safe room to bring Louis in case he doesn't like it in the stadium. I got him dressed in his little Arsenal shirt with "mummy" on the back. He looks so cute in it. I also take the carrier bag for him with me so I can put him around my chest over the game. I just hope he won't get hungry but just in case I also brought some milk bottles. I feel like I'm going on a trip even though it's just one match.

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