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We will go home today. I can't wait to get out of here and sleep in my own bed again. Also to take my baby home with me feels like the most perfect moment. The doctor came to the room in the morning and they did another general check up of me and Louis. We are both completely fine and by now, I have my strength back and I feel like I can actually do something. We already packed everything up in the bag so we can go home right away.

"Are you ready?" Leah asks me again.

"Yeah, let's go." I say and pick up the bag. Leah holds Louis. He looks very cute with the little hat he is wearing. Leah's mum made it for him and it looks so sweet. We get out of the room and downstairs to the car. We already arranged the car seat in the car so we can take him home safely. Leah puts him into the car seat while I put the bag in the car.

"I'll stay back here with him." I say and get into the backseat next to his car seat. Leah keeps standing next to the car for a moment and looks at him.

"Don't you want to go into the car?" I laugh at her.

"He is just too cute." She says.

"I know." I also don't take my eyes away from him. It's insane how much I love him. Leah leans down and places a kiss to Louis cheek.

"Don't I get a kiss as well?" I joke as she is about to go into the drivers seat.

"Sorry." She says and leans back down to kiss me. Then she finally gets into the car and we drive home. I keep my hand at Louis belly the entire time. Leah asked me about him almost every minute until we arrive at home. It's so sweet how much she loves him. She might love him more than me already.

We get inside and I start to unpack the bag already while Leah stays in the living room with Louis.

"I'm going to show him his room." Leah says loud enough so I can hear her. His room is right next to our bedroom but for the start he won't sleep there. We installed a bed for him at one side of our bed so we would be right there if he wakes up during the night. Leah put so much effort in that baby room that it only makes sense that she shows him now. It's sweet how she is coping with him. I still stay in our bedroom but I can hear that Leah is quietly talking to Louis in the other room.

"See how nice mummy painted the walls for you." I hear Leah saying in a soft voice. I have to smile as I hear her talking to him so cute. She is literally so perfect and she is definitely the perfect mum for my son. I wouldn't have wanted to have a baby with anyone else.

Leah comes into the bedroom just a bit later. She is still holding Louis in her arms. I give her a smile as she walks in.

"How does he like his room?" I ask.

"He loves it." She says. "Don't you?" She bends down a bit and kisses his head.

"He looks so small when you hold him." I say.

"Should we give him a bath today?" Leah asks me. I think that would actually me quite nice.

"We can do that later and get him ready for the night after that." I suggest. I can't wait to spend all these cosy evenings with Louis and Leah. Beth will come and visit us tomorrow but we just wanted to have the first day at home to ourselves. I also pump up some milk into bottles so Leah can also feed him. I know that she wanted to do that the entire time.

Later I just lay on the couch with Louis sleeping on my chest. I gently rub his back and give him a little kiss on his head.

"I love you so much." I whisper at him. I feel so happy in this moment. Like this is what I always wanted, I just didn't know it. Leah literally gave me the dream life I never knew I needed. I never saw myself as a mum one day but now, I can't imagine being without this little baby boy anymore. The way he is sleeping so relaxed on my chest, is just showing me how safe he is with us. I would do anything to protect him and I know that Leah would do the same. She already is so protective of me and I always loved that about her.

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