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We go inside and shower before changing our clothes again. It's already afternoon but still enough time. I can't wait for Leah to show me all of her childhood memories here.

Leah and I hold hands while walking around. She leads me to a football pitch.

"That's where I started to play football and that was my first club." She says and points at a house at the side of the pitch.

"Looks lovely here. I think I get why you're so obsessed with this city." I say. It really is is cosy little town.

"I'm not obsessed."

"You so are." I laugh.

"I had my first kiss there." She says and points behind the house.


"Yeah, with a boy from my club. I was 13 and it was horrible." She tells me. "I realised boys are nothing for me." She adds with a smile.

"Should I kiss you there? So you have a good memory with this place." I suggest with a cheeky smile.

"Not a bad idea." She says and pulls me after her as we go there. We walk behind that house and Leah softly pushes me back against the wall. I laugh at that.

"He did that to you?" I giggle.

"No. I just like doing it to you." She whispers and does a step up to me. She gently presses her lips against mine and I start to smile into the kiss. She just slowly kisses me and as she pulls back looks into my eyes.

"Much better than my first one." She smiles.

"I hope so." I raise my eyebrow. She gives me a quick kiss again and then steps back. She takes my hand again.

"Come on. I want to show you our old house." She says. We go there. It's not far away from the football ground. It looks like a lovely little house. Leah tells me that her parents sold it a few years ago to move to London. We spend a bit more time outside until it's time to go to Leah's cousin's house for the evening. It's almost 6 and she said that she has to leave at 6.

Leah leads the way to the house. Looks almost like the one she used to live in. We ring at the door and Lucy opens the door.

"Hello." Leah says.


"There you are. I thought you wouldn't make it in time." Lucy says.

"Of course we make it in time." Leah claims and we go inside. Lucy shows us the room where we will sleep and the baby's room. She explains us everything important about feeding the baby while she is away.
Leah is sitting on the couch with Athena on her lap as I join her.

"Okay, if anything happens just call me." Lucy says as she is about to leave.

"We will be fine. Have fun and don't worry." Leah says.

"I hope so. See you later." She says and leaves the house. I look down at the little one on Leah's lap. As soon as she sees me she reaches her hands out for me again.

"Did you already fell in love with her?" Leah laughs at the baby.

"Looks like it." I smile.

"Do you want to feed her? Since she likes you better than me." Leah asks. I nod and Leah hands me the baby. She instantly grabs my fingers again. Leah gets up to bring me the bottle of milk to feed her. The little squeaks that she lets out while looking up at me are so cute.

"My god, you are so cute." I whisper at her. The baby blue eyes are staring right into mine. Leah comes back and hands me that bottle.

"You feed her and I'll go and change my clothes." She says.

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