Pregnancy III

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The 9 months are almost over. I can't believe how fast the time actually passed. Now it's just a few weeks until our baby boy arrives. Leah wants to paint the walls in his room today. We chose a beige colour and a light blue one. I think that this is a really good match and also a simple colour.

Leah is wearing dungarees and a white t-shirt underneath it which already makes her look so good. I think she would make a hot painter. I would definitely pay her to come to my house and paint my walls. She already started with the blue wall as I stand in the door and watch her. It's so cute how she wants to do everything on her own. She didn't allow anyone to help with the room. Not even me. I helped with building up a few of the furnitures but Leah didn't allow me to do anything more.

"Should I help you?" I ask her anyway.

"No, you should relax." She says which makes sense considering the size of my bump which became a lot bigger in the last weeks.

"I will stay here and just watch you." I say with a smile. Leah turns her head back and smiles over her shoulder which makes her look even more beautiful.

"I will go and sort out his clothes." I decide and go to organise all the clothes we got. He got everything for every day and every weather. He already got his first Arsenal and his first England shirt before he is even born. The England one has Williamson on the back although I have no idea how they fitted all that letters on that tiny shirt. We got two Arsenal ones. One with my number and mum on the back. And one with Leah's number and mummy on the back. I can't wait to go to games with him wearing that shirt.

It's a few weeks later. Everything is ready. He can arrive any day. Leah is in the living room while I'm on my way to the bathroom. I need to go to the bathroom like every 5 minutes but this time it's different. Just as I arrive, I feel something wet at my legs. I feel a bit of pain in my belly and as I look down I realise what happened. My water broke. It's happening. He is coming.

"Leah?" I immediately call for her.

"Yeah? Everything okay?" I hear her calling back.

"Come here." I just say. Leah comes into the bathroom just a bit later.

"What happened?" She asks as she doesn't seem to see it.

"My water just broke." I say.

"What? So it's happening now? Right now?" Leah asks and I already hear some panic in her voice.

"Yes. He is coming."

"Are you in pain?" Leah asks.

"Yeah it hurts a bit." I say but I stay calm. I know that we don't have to rush to the hospital immediately.

"We should go to the hospital." Leah says and starts to collect some things. We already prepared a bag for the hospital.

"No we have time. I want to eat something before we go. I don't like the food in the hospital." I say and try to get her to relax. Leah doesn't seem happy with my decision and throughout the time that I get myself something to eat, I see how nervous Leah is. She isn't even sitting still. The pain also gets a bit worse now so I agree on going to the hospital. I let my parents know because they told me that they will come over here when the baby will be born. Leah drives us to the hospital. She is driving a lot faster than usual but has her hand on my thigh. I hold on to her arm since the pain is now pretty strong.

"We are almost there." She says as she looks over at me.

"It hurts pretty strong now." I say. My voice is already affected by pain. We arrive in the hospital and Leah gets me inside. She almost runs to the reception and tells what happened pretty quickly and in panic.

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