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We spend the rest of the day cuddling, talking, laughing and a bit of kissing. Not too much. It is a whole new way of relaxing and I love it. I never thought that just staying inside the house the entire day can be feel so good. With Leah I wasn't bored for one second. I even wish that it would go on longer.  

We are on our way to the bedroom in the evening. I'm already laying in bed while Leah is taking a shower. I think about texting Lauren. I haven't heard from her since the call and I'm actually quite worried about her. I just decide to send her a quick message asking her if she is okay. I hope that I can help her to get out of there even though she herself probably doesn't even understand how dangerous it is.

Leah comes out of the bathroom. In this moment I put my phone away and fully focus on her. She gives me a smile and comes into the bed with me. She lays next to me. Before she lays her chest down, I give her an expecting look. She knows that I'm waiting for a kiss. She softly chuckles but leans her chest over me. She presses her lips against mine while I lay my hand at her cheek. I expected her to pull away right after that one kiss but she doesn't. She continues with kissing me for longer. I don't mind. I want to do everything with her. I feel like I'm ready but I don't know if she is. I just wait and let her do what she feels is right. Her kisses get deeper with every one that she gives me. She pulls back for a moment and looks at me. I'm afraid she will stop now but she connects our lips again. I stroke her hair back and feel how she breathes into the kiss. This feels so good already. While she kisses me more passionate, she slowly climbs on top of my body. When she is laying completely on top of me, I wrap my arms around her neck. I want to show her that I want her to continue. This situation is more heated up than any other situation the last weeks.

"Tell me when I should stop." She whispers at me as she stops kissing me for a second.

"I don't want you to stop." I mumble while kissing her again. I can't even hold back. I want to kiss her, I want to go further than that. I feel how she smiles in this kiss. These kisses get even hotter now. Leah gently bites my lip. She didn't do that for a long time. I almost forgot how crazy it makes me when she does that. I try not to moan because I'm afraid that she will pull away when I do that. Instead of pulling away, she goes lower with her kisses. She starts to kiss my neck. Harder this time. She immediately starts to suck at my skin. I breath out a bit louder at that. I close my eyes. It feels like she overwhelms me completely with her actions. Overwhelming in a good way. She wanders up with her kisses so she is at my ear. She places a few kisses under my ear. I can't hold back a quiet moan at that. She makes me crazy. I still don't know how far she wants to go but I'm willing to go in fully.

"When was the last time you had sex?" She whispers in my ear. I get a glimpse of where this is going.

"With you. After the award show." I answer.

"Then we have a lot to catch up with tonight." She says in a rough breathy voice. She turns me on so much with this one sentence.

"When was your last time?" I ask even though I know the answer.

"The same day as you. I may have done some things to myself in the meantime but I'm not counting that." She says.

"Mhm sure." I mumble since she starts to kiss my ear again.

"Although I was just thinking about you while I touched myself." She adds whispering. It is definitely a very hot thought that comes to my mind as she says that. I move my hand in her shirt. I feel how hot her skin is already. I'm still afraid that she will pull away some time or change her mind. A few weeks ago I would have never thought that I will have sex with Leah ever again but now I don't want to stop.

"Are you sure?" I ask again before I take off her shirt. I need that yes from her.

"Yes I am." She confirms. That will do it. I strip the shirt off of her. She isn't wearing anything underneath so I get to look at her naked chest right away. Something I haven't seen in a long time. I missed this view so much. It feels like it is the first time all over again. She still has the same effect on me whenever she is naked. I can't even stop looking at her. Leah laughs at that and then slowly takes off my shirt. Like she waits for me to stop her. I raise my chest a bit to show her that it's okay what she is doing. She takes off my shirt and looks at me the same way that I looked at her before.

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