By your side

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The following two days Leah had to stay in the hospital and I visited her every day. Beth and Keira also joined me to visit her one day. She already is feeling a lot better and now is back with Arsenal to start her recovery.

We played another game with England and won that. I even scored a goal. I'm pretty sure Leah watched from the hospital. As the camp is over and I need to go back to Manchester, I get Leah to face time me every evening to tell me about her progress that day. I think it is also good for her to share that with someone. We also spend some nights on the phone together and fall asleep over the phone. On some days I see how bad she feels and these are the moments when I wish that I could just be by her side and take care of her.

When I have my days off I decide to surprise her. I don't tell her anything about it when we face time the evening before. As per usual she tells me about what she did and also asks me about what I will do. I tell her that I have training tomorrow even though that is a lie. She will forgive me as soon as she sees me tomorrow. I'm sure about that.

The day I make my way to London. I make sure that Leah's exercises are already over and she will be at home when I arrive. I can't wait to see her face when she sees me in front of her door. As I arrive in London, it is raining. Honestly I never been here and it didn't rain at one point. I quickly go out the car and run over to Leah's door so I don't get fully covered in rain. I ring at the door. For a moment nothing happens. I guess she is a bit slower on her feet right now and it takes more time for her to walk to the door. Then she opens the door. Her face changes the moment she sees me. I see that she didn't expect me to be the one on the door right now.

"I heard that there is someone injured here who might needs me to take care of her." I say with a smile.

"Are you kidding me?" She still looks at me in disbelief.

"For the next two days, I will be your little helper." I say. Leah just grabs my hand and softly pulls me into the house. She kisses my lips as soon as I reach her. I love to see her reaction to seeing me. She always acts so sweet without even noticing it.

"You sneaky liar." She whispers at me as her lips leave mine. I laugh at that. I know she isn't mad.

"I thought it would be better if it was a surprise." I say. Leah leans in and gives me another kiss. I finally step into the house fully and close the door. I immediately feel like home again. Every time that I'm here. I just want to stay here. I never thought I would think like that one day but I don't want to go back to Manchester. Leah jumps into the living room on her one foot and holds on to the doorframe a bit. I get next to her and give her my hand to hold her up so she can walk over to the couch.

"Do you still got my tea?" I ask her since she bought it the last time I was here.

"Yeah. It's right there in the cupboard." She says and points at a kitchen cupboard. I go into the kitchen and make myself a tea. It's still raining outside as I look out of the window.

"Can I open the window a bit?" I ask Leah.

"Sure." She says. I walk over and open the window just an inch. I just enjoy the sounds of rain so I want to hear that. While I wait for my tea, I lean on the kitchen counter and look at Leah.

"You look cute." I call over at her. I'm not that far away from her but it's fun to act like it.

"Better hurry up and come here." She gives me a cheeky smile. I wait until my tea is ready and then walk over to join Leah on the couch. She is leaning back with her body almost laying down. She spreads her legs a bit and reaches her arms out for me as I reach her.

"Come cuddling." She says. She says that in such a sweet voice. I get on the couch and sit between her legs, careful not to touch her ankle. I lean my back against Leah's chest and she wraps me into her arms. I feel so safe whenever I'm in her arms. I lay my head back a bit and take a few deep breaths. I spot a Sudoku book laying next to me on the couch.

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