London Part 1

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Song for this chapter: London Boy - Taylor Swift

I get very exited that day when I left my house. It is early in the morning but I want to start driving as early as I can. It is a four hour drive to London but I take every thing to get to see Leah now. It is raining outside so I rush to my car. Hopefully the weather will be better in London. I send Leah a quick text telling her that I'm on my way.

During the way I can't stop thinking about her and the moment when I will see her again. It takes me a bit longer because of the weather that is coursing a bit of traffic. Not too much later I arrive in London. It is a lot more crowded here on the streets. I need a bit of time to find the right address. At least it isn't raining anymore when I arrive. Just from the outside Leahs house looks lovely already. I rush to get to her quicker. I can't wait anymore. My heart is already beating in excitement. I stand in front of her door and before I ring the bell, I fix my hair a bit. She probably won't care about it but I do it anyway. I finally ring at her door and wait for her. The time until she opens the door feels like hours passing.

Leah opens the door and I don't say anything. I just look at her. She is standing right in front of me for real. I could just reach out my arm and touch her. Before I can do anything she does a step outside, pushing me back a bit and closes the door behind us. I'm confused for a moment. Why is she pushing us outside? I don't think about it anymore and she just rushes forward to kiss my lips. Finally I feel her lips at mine again. It feels just as good as it feels every time we kiss.

"I've missed you so much." She mumbles while her lips don't really leave mine.

"I know. I've missed you too." I say back while smiling in the kiss. Neither of us wants to let go again. My heart is racing. She gives me a few more kisses before she pulls back. She opens the door again to let me go inside. I still have no idea why we even were outside. When I walk in and look around for a moment suddenly a young man comes out of her kitchen. I get confused. Who is this? What is a handsome man doing in her kitchen? It can't be her brother. I know what he looks like and this definitely isn't him. At least I know why Leah pushed me outside to kiss me now.

"Oh hi there." He says as he sees me.

"Hi." I say trying to act normal. Maybe he is a friend from Leah.

"Oh that is Emma. She is just a friend from the national team." Leah explains to him. So she hasn't told him about us.

"That is lovely." He says. I notice the way he keeps looking at Leah. He can't keep his eyes away from her. I can't blame him but yet I feel a bit of jealousy. I don't even know him or who he is. Why am I jealous?

"Thank you for helping me tho." Leah says at him. He came to help her. He could be just a friend.

"Of course. If you need something again, just ask me." He gives her a smile and again I think there is something strange about that. Is he aware that she is into woman? I think he is crushing on her. Maybe my mind is just making it up but it looks like he is crushing on her. I don't think Leah has noticed that yet. He gets ready to leave and while he does that he gazes at Leah a few more times. How can she not see that? That must be that way I looked at her at our first day in camp. He leaves with a smile on his face as Leah brings him to the door. I lean against the doorframe in the hallway and watch them. Leah closes the door as he left and turns around to look at me.

"Who is he?" I ask while smiling.

"That is Oskar. He is staff at Arsenal and he came to help me with my sink in the kitchen." She says. So he isn't a friend. I don't know if that makes it better or worser.

"Are you sure he was just here because of the sink?" I laugh at her.

"Yes why else would he be here?" She really doesn't understand what I'm talking about.

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