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Song of the chapter: Kiss me - Sixpence none the richer

After dinner I take a walk around the hotel with Lauren. It feels good being outside and not next to Leah all the time since she gives me so many emotions.

"How is sharing a room with your crush?" Lauren asks me while smiling.

"She is not my crush." I have never heard such a stupid lie.

"What is she then?" Lauren doesn't believe me of course.

"Okay fine she might be something like a crush." I admit. I know that she is already more than a crush.

"And how is sharing with her?"

"I'm so nervous all the time. I don't know how to sleep in there tonight." I mumble.

"And you want to tell me that you don't fancy her." Lauren laughs.

"I just told you that I do."

"I know that since day one." Lauren says.

"Is is really that obvious?" I sigh.

"I hate to break it to you but yes. It looks like you have hearts in your eyes every time she comes in a room." She points out.

"That sounds sweet. Do you think she does that too?" I shyly ask Lauren.

"I don't just think it, I know it." Lauren says adding a smile to my face.

We come back inside and sit with Beth for the rest of the evening until Leah comes and gets me to go to our room. Because we only have one key we always have to go at the same time but I don't mind.
We get in and Leah takes off her shirt. What is happening? What is she doing? I try to stop myself from looking in covering my eyes with my hand.

"What are you doing?" I ask and hear her laughing at me covering my eyes.

"It is just too warm in here." She says. "It's alright. You can look." She adds.

"I don't think that I can. I will take a shower." I go to the bathroom without looking at her. I can't do this again now. I know how hot she looks so I don't want to look at her again. I quickly take the shower and dress up in my shorts and a T-shirt. When I come out I see Leah still sitting on her bed without her shirt on. I sigh and shake my head. She laughs at me.

"Is it that hard for you to see me in a bra?" She mocks me. I don't answer her and just go lay in my bed. She leaves to get ready as well. She is very fast and comes out just a few minutes later. She looks at me and points at her shirt.

"Happy now?" She asks while going in her bed.

"Yup." I smile and she turns off the light. I keep laying on my back and stare up at the ceiling. The thought of her laying just in the bed next to me is driving me crazy. I wonder if she is sleeping already. I don't think so but I also don't hear any noise coming from her.

"Leah?" I call for her when I'm not able to wait any longer.

"Yes? Is everything okay?" I hear her answer. Now I know that she wasn't asleep.

"I'm fine but I can't sleep." I say. I love it how she immediately asks me if I was fine.

"Me neither." She says. I don't know what to say. I want to lay next to her but I don't dare to ask.

"Do you want to come over here?" She asks after a while taking my question from me. For a moment I think about if that is a good idea but in the end I don't care. I want to be next to her in her bed.

"Yeah." I answer quietly. I hear how she moves over so I can get in her bed. She lifts up the blanket a bit and I sneak under it laying next to her. She rolls to the side looking at me. We don't say anything for a while. I want to touch her so bad.

"Can I lay my arm here?" She asks me while laying her arm over my stomach.

"Do whatever you want." I just say without thinking about it. She raises her chest from the bed after I said that.

"Whatever I want?" She lifts up her eyebrows. I know exactly what she is thinking about.

"Mhm." I nod slightly. Even though the lights are off I'm still able to see her face quite good. She smiles at me and leans more over me. Oh god this makes me go so nervous. Her right arm is still laying at my stomach. I put my hand at her arm showing her that I want her to stay like this. She doesn't say anything. She just puts her left hand at my cheek. I think I'm already going crazy just from that touch. Leah strokes my hair back a bit. She is so gentle that I feel like I'm melting even more. I feel how I'm falling for her more and more. Our eyes are locked in each other, her face right over mine. Her hand remains at my ear holding on to my hair a bit. I can't help it but I have to lick my lips. In the same moment I see her eyes moving down to look at my lips shortly before back to my eyes. At this point I'm sure I can't stop myself anymore. I want to kiss her so bad.

"Kiss me." I whisper as her face is even closer to mine. This feels so hot right now. I feel like the air between us is burning. Leah chuckles and bites her lower lip. Fuck she looks even hotter when she does that. My heart stops when she lowers her head over my face. I already close my eyes and just a second later she kisses me. In the moment her lips touch mine I feel like a firework is exploding in my stomach. This is the best feeling I ever had and I don't want her to ever stop kissing me. I squeeze her hand while she starts to connect her lips to mine better. I hear her breathing as we still don't let go. This feels so right. Leah breaks the kiss as she slowly moves back but stays very close to my face. I open my eyes again and look at her. I don't know what to say. I'm completely overwhelmed by everything I'm feeling.

"How is your heart? Because mine is racing." Leah whispers and I feel her breath at my lips.

"Mine too but I don't mind." I smile.

"Good." She just says and kisses my lips again. I didn't expect her to do that but I just go with it, kissing her back. Her lips are so soft. I can't really control what I'm doing so I give a bite to her lip while kissing. She laughs and pulls back.

"I think that is enough." She says. I immediately get scared that I messed up again. Did I take it too far?

"I'm sorry." I apologise.

"You don't have to." Leah says laying down next to me again. I give her a smile and then turn my back at her. She immediately gets what I want her to do and she lays behind me spooning my body. Her arms around me feel so good. This time I don't hesitate to hold her hand. She strokes my hair to the side a bit and lays her head at my shoulder. I move back and press my body against her more.

"Good night Bailey." She whispers before placing a gentle kiss at my neck. I'm melting so hard for her.

"Don't call me that." I joke but I kinda like her calling me that though. I just feel her giggle a bit. I close my eyes. Even though the emotions from our kiss are still running through my body I feel so safe in Leah's arms that I fall asleep quite good. I never believed something could top my debut for England today but here we are.

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