Pizza date

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In the evening we get ready for our date in the city. I look outside to check the weather. It still looks quite warm and sunny so I decide not to take a jacket with me. I watch how Leah packs a rucksack with a blanket and some drinks. The others already left for dinner so we are the last ones to stay in the room.

"Okay I will go first and you will come after me in a few minutes so they don't see us leaving together." Leah explains the plan.

"Alright." I put on my shoes.

"I will wait for you in front of the hotel entry." She says before giving me a kiss. I nod at her and she goes out of the room. I take a look at my watch to check when I can follow her. I let 5 minutes pass until I go out of the room as well. I walk down the stairs and through the lobby pretty quickly so no one sees me. I check the surrounding multiple times but I can't see any if the girls. They are all probably at dinner already. I get out of the door and see Leah waiting for me.

"Did anyone see you?" She asks.

"No. You?"

"Nope." She shakes her head.

"So where are we going?" I ask her.

"I have no idea. What about getting a pizza and then looking for a nice spot to sit in the sun and watch the sunset?" Leah offers. I press my lips together and smile at her. She is so sweet sometimes.

"And you said I'm the romantic idiot." I laugh at her.

"Is it too romantic for you?" She raises her eyebrow. She knows it's not.

"No, you are right; I am a romantic idiot. I like things like that" I say.

"Good." She says and we start to walk down the street from our hotel. While we are walking, I take Leah's hand and pull her closer to me a bit. This feel so good, like we are having a real date. Just holding her hand in public without worrying that anyone will see it makes me happy. We get into a restaurant to get us the pizza. Even in there I don't let go from her hand once. In this moment I forget about all the trouble and tears I had today. I just focus on Leah.
When we got the pizza we continue walking a bit to find a nice spot to sit. I could sit anywhere right now and would be happy as long as she would be next to me. We find a small hill where also a few other people are sitting on the grass.

"What about here?" I ask.

"It looks lovely." She says. We find a spot a bit at the side so not so many other people are around us. Leah brings out the blanket from her rucksack and puts it on the grass. She also puts out a little bottle of white wine. I'm surprised by that but I like how much effort she puts in our activities.

"Wine? You really gave it all." I laugh.

"Just for you." She smiles up at me.

"How did you get that wine?" I'm curious tho.

"We are in a hotel. You can buy these tiny bottles there. I did it on my way outside." She says. "Sit down." She points at the spot next to her on the blanket. I sit down and Leah hands me a cup of wine.

"I couldn't find fancy glasses, I'm sorry." She says.

"It's fancy enough." I take the cup from her. We both drink a bit and start to eat while we enjoy the last sunshine of the day.

"Leah?" I say.

"Yeah?" She looks at me.

"Thank you for taking me here and making me forget about the match today." I say. I feel like I need to say this.

"You don't have to thank me for that. I just can't see you crying." She says. "I'm glad that you are smiling again. It suits you much better." She adds with a smile.

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