Two sides

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We spend the next days on the beach and on the pool, getting fancy dinners and kissing at the view of the sunset. I loved every single second of this trip. But today we need to go back. Our flight takes off in the middle of the night which is why we went to bed early. I know how moody Leah will be when we have to get up in the night. She isn't nice to deal with when she is tired.

My alarm goes off when it's still completely dark. I look at the time. 3am. I hate it already. Leah is still sleeping next to me. She didn't wake up from the alarm. I decide to get ready already and let her sleep a bit longer. I pack the last things in my bag and also get most of Leah's stuff ready so we can leave quickly once she is awake. I make my way to the bed again and sit on the edge next to Leah. I lay my hand on her shoulder and look at her for a moment. I don't want to wake her up but I have to.

"Honey, we need to go." I softly shake her body. She moves her head a bit but doesn't open her eyes yet.

"No." She just groans and rolls to the side.

"I'm sorry but you have to get up." I say again and lean over her to kiss her cheek. She opens her eyes and sighs.

"I hate everything about this." She says. I have to hold back a laughter at that.

"You can sleep on the plane." I try to make it more positive. Leah just looks at me for a moment without saying something. She sits up and stretches her arms.

"What are you doing now?" She asks.

"Waiting for you. I already got ready so you would have the bathroom to yourself now." I say.

"Okay." She just nods and gets out of bed. I stay in bed and wait for her to be done. She takes a bit longer that I thought but I don't want to stress her now. She will probably yell at me and I really don't want that now.

"I'm hungry." Leah says as she comes back from the bathroom.

"It's in the middle of the night."

"Yeah but you made me get up so now I'm hungry." She complains.

"It's not my fault that this plane is taking off in the night. We can get some food at the airport." I say.

"Fine." She just says. She doesn't sound happy but I know that once she has eaten something and slept for a bit she will be in a better mood.

We get to our cab to go to the airport. I want to hold Leah's hand but I feel like she doesn't want me to do that now so I just leave it. I look over at her a few times. She doesn't say anything. Once we arrive at the airport, I get a bit closer to Leah. It's not that crowded here today but still I want to hold her hand so bad.

"Can I hold your hand?" I ask her.

"Yeah." She says. I grab her hand and interlace my fingers with hers. She looks over at me and gives me a small smile. That immediately makes me more happy. I was so afraid that she was mad at me for some reason.
We get through the security check and then go to eat something since I hope that Leah's mood will lighten up once she ate something. We get the food and sit at the window while waiting for the plane.

"Are you happy now?" I ask while I watch Leah eating.

"Still tired but at least not hungry anymore." She says. "I'm sorry if I was mean to you before." She adds after a pause.

"You weren't mean. Just a bit moody." I say with a smile. It seems like she is in a better mood now.

We get on the plane just a bit later. It's still dark outside as we take our seats. In the moment I think about how the next time we will be on a plane will be when we settle off for the world cup. As the plane takes off I look over at Leah.

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