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We are in our room as everything is over. I'm still pretty exhausted and I could fall asleep instantly right now. I probably look awful but I don't care. We arranged everything so Leah could stay here the entire time. I already fed him for the first time and he is now just relaxing. I hold Louis in my arms and just smile down on him. He is literally the most perfect and cutest baby I have ever seen. Leah sits next to me and has her hand at his head. Her other arm is wrapped around me which makes this entire situation so beautiful. This is the first moment we share as a family. Leah kisses my temple and I lean against her a bit.

"How are you?" She asks me.

"Exhausted." I just say.

"You should get some sleep." She says. "I'll watch him while you sleep." She adds while gently stroking his head.

"Why don't you come to mummy for a while and let mum get some sleep?" She says at Louis in a sweet voice. I smile at that. This is exactly how I pictured her with our baby. I pass him to Leah lay back down a bit more. Leah goes over into the other bed which is not far away from mine. I turn my head to the side to watch her. She lays down and puts Louis on her chest. It looks damn cute. I close my eyes and try to get some sleep which is pretty easy. My body is relaxed, my heart is happy and I'm very tired. My parents will definitely visit us tomorrow.

As I wake up again, I instantly look over at Leah. She is sitting up in her bed with her phone in her one hand and her other hand in the baby bed next to her. This is a very cute sight to wake up to.

"Hey, are you better?" Leah asks as she sees me being awake.

"Yeah. How is Louis?" I ask.

"He is sleeping and cute as a button." Leah smiles while looking into the bed.

"My parents will come around today." I say.

"My mum as well." Leah says. We told all the teammates that they shouldn't all come to the hospital. They can all meet him when we are home but of course we sent a lot of pictures already.

We get taken back by Louis starting to cry as he wakes up. He is probably hungry. Leah picks him up from his bed and softly moves him in her arms.

"Someone is hungry." She comes over and sits at the edge of my bed with him still in her arms. He looks so small in her arms. She passes him to me so I can feed him. He is drinking pretty eager so he was probably pretty hungry. His little hand is laying on my chest and I gently stroke through his thin hair.

"His hair is so cute." Leah says while watching me.

"He looks just like you." I say without taking my eyes away from Louis for one second.

"Look at his little hand." Leah gazes. "Already touching your boobs. Just like me." She adds with a chuckle.

"Leah, this is a baby." I say at her but I actually find it funny.

"Sorry." Leah smiles. I playfully roll my eyes at her.

"Don't listen to your mummy. She doesn't know what she's saying." I whisper at Louis and hear Leah laughing at that. He is done drinking so I burp him before I kiss his head.

"I think he needs to get changed." I say and want to stand up to do so.

"No wait. Stay there. I will do that." Leah stops me. I'm thankful that she is doing all this because I'm still not very strong and I would like to at least freshen up a little bit before our family will come later.

"I will try and get a shower then." I say. Leah takes Louis from my arms and holds him against her chest. She always keeps one hand at his head which is very sweet.

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