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Luckily Leah got better in the next days. She trained with the team like always and we will play against Chelsea today. It's an exciting match and I'm happy to be back for it and actually will play. Jonas told me that he will put me in the starting eleven today which makes me even more happy. It's the first time since we had Louis that I'm starting in a match. I feel good and like I'm fully fit again. The only thing that keeps bothering me is the look of my body. I know it's normal and everyone keeps saying that but I still wish I had my old form back. At least with the extra training that I get from Julie, I feel like I actually work for it and it shows. My endurance got better and I feel like I have enough energy for an entire match.

We play at the emirates stadium today and it's sold out. Leah and I thought about bringing Louis today but we decided not to since it will be super loud and crowded there and probably too stressful for him. He is normally pretty relaxed during games but there were never that many people. We start to do our warm ups already and even that feels good to do. Being back with the team is something I missed.

As we are in the dressing room getting ready for the match, Leah keeps looking over at me while putting on her shoes.

"How are you?" She asks.

"I'm perfectly fine. I'm excited to play." I say. I think she is worrying about me.

"Hey guys, watch this. Viv learned how to play the piano." Beth suddenly says and Leah and I look away from each other. Beth plays a video that she filmed of Viv playing the piano.

"Not bad." Lia says. She is right. It really sounded pretty good.

"We should start a band. Who else can play an instrument?" Beth says. I have to laugh at that idea.

"I can play the violin." Caitlin says. I didn't know that. An impressive instrument to play.

"I used to play the drums." Katie says. That fits her. The most aggressive instrument you could possibly play.

"I can play the guitar." I say. Leah turns her head at me as I say that.

"What? You can play guitar?" She asks with a smile. I really never told her that.

"Yeah but not so good." I say a bit shy. I don't like to play guitar in front of people. Somehow I get embarrassed about it.

"You never told me that." Leah says.

"It's not important." I brush it of but it seems like Leah is very interested in that subject.

"Yes it is. Do you have a guitar?" She asks. I really have one. I don't think she ever saw that but I brought my old one from Manchester as I moved here.

"Yeah." I say a bit hesitant.

"You definitely have to play for me when we are home." Leah says with a happy face.

"No, that's embarrassing." I say.

"It's not embarrassing. It's pretty romantic. You could have definitely impressed me with that." Leah says. She is smiling so hard while she says that. I'm not even sure if I can still play but based on Leah's face I don't think I will get around playing for her.

"We'll see." I just say.

"I can't wait to see it. I always wanted someone to play guitar for me." She still has this smile on her face. I think my cheeks are completely red by now.

"You're so cheesy." I chuckle. We don't get much more time since everyone is starting to get ready. Leah gives me a kiss and is just pulling back from me as Julie comes up to us. Leah quickly grabs my hand and pulls me to her side.

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