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In the following days I try to talk to Lauren but I just can't get to her. She leaves before me after every training. Doesn't let me near her or talk to her so I just decide to go to her house in the afternoon. I know that I will probably loose her if I don't get her out of this now.

I arrive at her house and ring at the door. No one answers. I ring another time and try to see if the lights are on. Still no response. Maybe she isn't home or she is still at Zacks house. If she would be at Zacks house then I need to go there. I'm not sure if that is a good idea. I'm a bit afraid of Zack tho. He said that he doesn't want me to talk to Lauren so he will 100% sent me away but I still want to try it. I hope he doesn't get angry because even if he won't hurt me, there is a chance that he will hurt Lauren and I don't want that.

On my way to his house, I think about what to say how to fight against Zack to let me talk to Lauren. I'm so nervous and afraid that he will do something to me. I get an idea. I bring out my phone and call Leah.

"Hi." She answers the phone just a bit later. For a moment I have to smile as I hear her voice.

"Hi baby."

"How are you?" She asks me. I know that she is just nice but I don't have time now.

"I'm fine. Where are you?" I ask. I don't want to do this if she isn't at home.

"At home." She answers. Perfect.

"Good. Do you have time?"

"Wait, is this about phone sex?" She suddenly asks me.

"What? No!" I immediately cut her off but I know why she thinks that. My questions really sounded like I was about to suggest phone sex.

"Sorry I thought..." she starts to say.

"I know but I call because of Lauren." I finally point out why I even called her.

"Did you talk to her?"

"I want to. I went to her house because she keeps ignoring me at training but she wasn't there so I'm heading to Zacks house now." I quickly explain.

"Are you sure about going there?" Leah asks with a concerned voice. I know that she doesn't want me to go there because she is afraid of what Zack might do to me.

"No which is why I'm calling you."

"Sweet." Leah chuckles.

"Would you stay in the line while I go there? Just in case something happens." I ask. I think that is the best I can do. If Zack tries to hurt me or Lauren, Leah will be able to call the police.

"Of course but please be careful." She says.

"I will." I'm almost at the house. My heart is skipping a lot faster than I thought it would.

"I'm there. I will knock at the door now." I say.


"Love you." I tell her again.

"I love you too." She says back.
I put my phone back into my pocket and knock at the door. First there is no response so I knock another time. The door gets opened a bit. I thought it would be Zack but it's Lauren.

"What are you doing here?" She asks as she sees me.

"Rescuing you."

"What? Rescuing me from what?" She asks.

"From that man that you call your boyfriend."

"I don't need to be rescued by you." She says.

"Where is he?" I ask.

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