Meeting A Bad Girl In Hell

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The boy was trusted enough to be home alone for a few hours by the whole gang, although Loona is having doubts since she loves Cody so much and he was her adopted brother now. Alas, Cody had weapons and one gun to help protect himself from any threats, and he can just probably shoot down any bad guys that can try to hurt or kill him. After all most people would think twice about attacking an armed human with a gun in his hand. What Cody knew that, if he was going to shoot an attacker, he always goes for the brain, since brains are the batteries of all animals.

Although another good alternative, Cody knew this one as well, was going through the heart, which is like the second battery to an organism. He might have not as trained as much as his new sister and his new cohorts, but he was slowly getting the hang of combat.

Loona and Blitzo' apartment was probably the safest place for Cody to be in all of Hell, and it was the only kind of safehaven he knew of (along with Stolas' palace, Moxxie and Millie's apartment, and the Happy Hotel since he is friends with Charlie and her cronies.) Moxxie and Millie were in on the mission to kill Beyonce, and Stolas was in a royal affair with Satan right now, and couldn't watch the boy, and he had to take Octavia with her. As for Charlie and her friends; the hotel was unusually packed with a lot of visitors right now, and unfortunately, they were too busy to watch Cody as well. But Cody was nine, and nine and all he had to do was keep himself secluded from many of the inhabitants of Hell for obvious reasons. As of now, he was playing video games and enjoying himself as he was home alone.

He got into the fridge and got himself a hibiscus juice from the fridge and an empty glass, getting the ice cubes from the freezer and pouring in his juice into the glass to enjoy himself with it. After about half an hour, he got bored and looked up in the ceiling, wondered about how his brother would think about being adopted by a hellhound. Maybe he would like it, or he probably would not. But he joined the French Foreign legion, and it's not really his place.

"Silence can be golden, Cody." said a warming voice. The kid bolted up, startled by it, and he had a look of relief to see the glowing face of Jesus, smiling and having his hands crossed in front of him. "My sincere apologies if i startled you, young one." he noted.

"No, it's ok, Jesus." Cody said.

"Mind if I sit with you, Cody?"

"No, no, go ahead."

The Lion of Judah did just that and sat next to him. "I noticed you are getting good with the axes and that firearm you have on you."

"But you don't mind if I have these weapons?"

"As long as you only use them as instruments of self-defense, or if you really have to use them." Jesus pointed, "I am perfectly alright. After all, many of the folk inhabiting Hell are not the... best kind of company to mingle with."

"Right. But i'm still learning to use them. Not the easiest things to hold. At least I am not up there trying to kill Beyonce."

"I know, and i'm glad you are not taking part in such barbaric acts." said Jesus. "And, i am glad Loona adopted you."

"Me too. But i would like to know about her family since she doesn't really like to talk about it with me."

Jesus couldn't help but frown. "You know, Cody," he said: "some things are better left unheard of, and perhaps it is best if you not know about Loona's past at all... not saying I know about it, and i am keeping secrets from you, but some things are better left forgotten."

"Yeah, you're right." then another thought struck Cody. "What about Mr. Belmond? He calls himself a child of God, but he seems like a very bitter person."

"Ah, him. I do love everyone, but what I do not love is a bible thumper committing atrocities under my name or my father. Those kind of people are some of the greatest hypocrites in existence. Let me tell you about a very person similar to him." he paused. "His name was Jim Jones and he called himself a child of me or my father, but he manipulated a horde of people and created a small town in his name called Jonestown. He even ordered his followers into drinking poison Kool-aid and they all committed suicide."

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