Recalling Good Times

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Loona helped Blizto sleep on his couch, still looking foolish as he was asleep. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and Blitzo awoke with an outburst shouting: "Someone's fucking corn dog is done!" he looked wide awake, but suddenly fell back to sleep on the couch, like he just dropped dead.

"Well that was random." Loona said before answering the door. It was revealed to be her own coworkers themselves. She rolled her eyes and said: "Oh perfect, my two least favorite creatures in the world."

"Come on, Loona." Moxxie said, rolling his eyes himself. "That's a fine way to say: Ah, here are my friends coming to visit! how nice." Loon just made a small growl and showed her sharp teeth at the imp couple.

"We are just coworkers, but that's where it ends. You guys are nowhere near to being friends with me." said the Hellhound. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"What? we can't day hello to that little bundle of joy?" Millie said, seeing Cody and hugging him. "Sorry sweetie. I couldn't help myself."

"It's ok, Millie."

"How are you, Cody?" asked Moxxie.

"Just had a breakfast and Blitzo is... he's kinda..."

"Being a fool." Loona answered for him.

"What kind of fool?" Moxxie asked

"The 'being so drunk that he can't get his head straight' kind of fool. Look at him!" the female hellhound frantically waved her ledt hand at her adoptive father, making Moxxie and Millie to go around the couch to look at him.

Both Moxxie and Millie looked at how much of a mess their boss was. "Sweet Satan!" Millie exclaimed in disgust.

"Look at him! he looks disgusting." Moxxie added. "how many bottles did he drink?"

"Around ten of them."

"Oh Blitzo. I just don't understand you." Moxxie nodded his head sideways in disapproval.

"Well, i think we can agree on one thing, Moxxie." Loona smirked, "we both don't understand this weirdo a lot of times."

"Well, did y'all see the news?" asked Millie

"Yeah, me, Cody, and Octavia last night at the club?" said Moxxie.

"I know. we saw it too." said Cody. "Looks like you got a little popular Moxxie."

"Looks like it." the male imp admitted. "But, m being prone to bad luck, something will go wrong with me sooner or later."

"Come on!" Millie doubted, giving her husband a nice shoulder massage. "You're being too modest and hard on yourself, sweetie."

"Easy for you to say. Anything can happen honey." Moxxie admitted.

"You reek of low self-esteem." Loona looked at her phone.

"You can't even spell the word esteem!"

"Guys, calm down." said Cody. "Please don't kill each other."

"We won't kill each other." said Loona. "I say things to Moxxie, but I never actually kill him."

"So anyway, how do you feel about last night?" Millie asked the child.

"I feel good after last night. i'm glad i helped Octavia." Cody smiled. "We had a yummy breakfast in the human world." Cody looked out the window and wondered how his parents were doing up there in heaven while he is all the way down here in Hell. "Met old friends in my town, and it was nice to meet them again."

"Speaking of which," Loona said. "I ran into three familiar retards that you guys haven't see in a while."

"Enemies?" asked Moxxie with his right eyebrow raised in question.

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