Chapter Fourteen

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Another filler chapter. Revolves around that Me and My Brother song by 5ive.

Hollis is walking around the outskirts of Niner and Son territory. She comes across a low level fang that the Niners could slaughter without lifting a finger. The leader of this gang is Archilies. Archilies is from Lodi, he went to high school with Holly.

"Hi, Arch," Hollis greets in fake excitement. She hates Archilies in school he side he was a giant dick.


The low level gang suddenly start beating Hollis for the simple reason she's Hollis Norway. The gang has heard of Sons of Anarchy but they don't know that Holly's an old lady. Once they're done, they leave her bloody and she pulls her phone out. She knows Happy's doing club shit so she calls someone she knows will come.

"Hey, little lady," Laroy says into the phone.

"I need you."

Laroy jumps up and moves his finger in a circle, telling his boys they gotta go. "Where are you?" He demands.

Laroy brings his friend back to the Niners' hangout and he has Bee - one of the girls - patch her up while he gives Clay a call to tell him what happened to Hollis.

"I'll take care of her, man... she's one of us," Laroy says as he sees her purple IX tattoo poking out of the thin long sleeve she's wearing. He listens to Clay. "I know she's an old lady but that tattoo on her back makes her a Niner and that means she's protected. And her being a Sons' old lady means an alliance." He glances at Hollis as she starts talking to Tyler. "Yeah. I'll send her back once I know these as shops who jumped her are taken care of. I gotta go." He hands up. "Hey, little lady." He sits beside her and the others, even Tyler, leave. "Who did it?"

"That low level gang who wear violet to mock the Niners," Hollis replies. "Archilies from school."

Laroy and Hollis got their IX tattoos for the gang when they were seventeen and in high school. Holly joining a gang is when her brother got violent. Her father had always been a violent man, especially with her innocent / crow eater mother.

"You stay here 'till I get back," Laroy says. "I'm gonna take care of these pieces of shit."

"Big L, I'm one of you," she says. "Let me help." Hollis feels herself cramp badly and gasps. Holly remembers a condom ripping about eight weeks ago with Happy. He knows. "Can you take me to the hospital first? I think I'm having a miscarriage."

Laroy immediately calls Tyler over and they get Hollis out to the car. Laroy drives them to St. Thomas in Charming after getting permission to come onto the territory from Clay. Clay said he'd get Happy to the hospital.

"I want the shoot on those assholes, Big L," Hollis says.

"I know, little lady." Laroy glances at her and back at the door as they wait for the doctor. He turns back to her and grand her hand. "And I'll let you have it."

"Me too," Happy rasps as he walks in. "Doctor's on her way to do an ultrasound."


"Yea, it's me," Happy replies.

"You her old man?" Tyler asks from the window.


Tyler nods. "Hurt her and she'll kick your ass."

Happy snorts. "With her being one of you guys I don't doubt it."

Laroy smirks at Hollis's glare and Dr. Shapiro, one of the OB's here, walks in. She runs the wand over Hollis's stomach and she smiles.

"What?" Hollis asks. "You're smiling."

"Miss Norway, your baby is just fine..." Shapiro turns the screen and she shows the baby. "It's the size of a tadpole but... your baby's fine."

"I'm pregnant?" Hollis asks in awe. She's always wanted children.

Happy's quiet but his smile is a good sign.

"She was jumped about an hour ago, Doc," Laroy says.

"Just monitor her and watch for signs of miscarriage; the main sign is bleeding, but there are others," Dr. Shapiro explains.

"How far along am I?"

"Six weeks."

Happy sighs. That's the one time he didn't use a condom because he had run out of them.

"Hap, you good?" Clay asks.

"Hollis is pregnant," Happy says. "I'm gonna be a dad."

Clay raises his eyebrows as he sits back. "You happy about it?"

"Yea," Happy rasps. "I mean, it's something I wanted with Hollis. She's six weeks. The one time we run out of fucking condoms, she gets pregnant."

Juice chortles.

"Havin' a kind ain't that bad," Chibs says. "Ma' Karrianne is me entire world."

Hollis sits on her couch with Axel curled up in her lap as she watches the world news to see what's up in other places besides just Charming. She sees that there is a serial killer in New York. She's not worried because they're across the country. It then goes to some news in Thailand.

Holly grabs her stomach when she grows nauseas and she moves Axel before she takes off running. She drops to her knees in the bathroom and she throws up in the toilet. She groans when her phone rings. She pulls it from her picket.

"What do you want?"

"Hello to you, too."

"Happy," Hollis sighs. "Sorry. I just threw up."

"Need me there?"

"It's fine, Hap," Hollis says. "I'm fine."

Only when she hangs up, Happy calls Tyler and has him check on Hollis and he does. The Niners are Hollis's brothers. She sees SAMCRO as her family but not in the way she does the Niners. The Sons know that and they get it. She grew up with the blacks and she's one of them, despite being a white girl.

That night, Tyler and Hollis watch some scary movies while Axel hides in the closet under the stairs that's hide by a curtain. She texts Happy back when he texts her but otherwise, she watches scary movies with her gang brother eating sour candies.

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