Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Hollis wakes up beside Happy and Selena. She smiles at the two and Hap kisses her.

"Good morning," Hollis says and she jumps up and running out to throw up.

Morning sickness. Her sickness kicks in during the fourth or fifth week. That's how she knew she was pregnant with Selena before she even said a word. They bring Selena to the clubhouse and let her run around in her walker as soon as she's fed, burped, and changed.

"You talk to Romeo?" Clay asks Bobby when the man enters.

"Luis," Bobby corrects. "The guys are safe."

"Thank God," Juice says as Holly decides to chance Selena and play with her.

"Thank vatos with shivs," Happy says.

"He wants to meet," Bobby says. "Lindelof Pines. Seemed urgent."

"About getting the guys out?" Clay asks before taking a shot.

"I don't know," Bobby answers. "Are you up to it?"

Clay puts his shot glass onto the bar. "No choice," he says before putting the lid of the booze on the bottle.

Happy kisses his wife and daughter before he goes out with the others. Gemma goes inside and she laughs at Selena. She's a very active baby. At least Hollis doesn't do like Tara and send her baby to a daycare. She only has Anita watch her if she needs her to and now she's an old lady and an 8-er now.

"I'm having another baby, Gem," Hollis says to Gemma.

Gemma smiles wide. "Really?"

"Hap and I think it's Tig's because according to the doctor, Hap has a low sperm count," Hollis says. "I'm about five weeks."

"I'm so happy for you guys," Gemma gushes.

"Hey, since Tara's being a gash, my kids can call you grandma, Gem."

Gemma smiles at Hollis. "Thanks, baby," she says. "I'll be in the office."

"I'm gonna clean this place because the guys are pigs," Hollis says. "Then I have pets to check on."

Gemma gives the old lady a hug before she heads outside and Hollis goes to find cleaning products.

Gemma goes back to TM and she picks up Selena. Tara doesn't have her on the list at the daycare so she can't see her grandsons. Hollis is cleaning the tables in the bar room. Holly is pissed at Tara because of how she's treating Gemma.

Gemma puts Selena back down and goes to talk to Wendy Case, Jax's ex and Abel's biological mother. Holly washes her hands and she brings Selena home. She gives her a bath and puts her in the playpen before she gives the dogs and cat a bath before feeding them.

Now she has to wait to get her 8-er tattoo when she has this baby that hasn't even developed fully inside of her yet. Hollis doesn't mind the wait. She's laying with Selena in her bed. Happy will come back home tonight.

Hollis brings Selena and the dogs and cat out for a stroll through Charming since it's still a nice day out.

"Hi, Mrs. Lowman," Sheriff Roosevelt greets.

"Hi, Sheriff," Hollis greets as she looks at Phoenix sleeping in the stroller with a happy Selena. "Just took my kid, dogs, and cat for a stroll through town."

"She's beautiful," Eli says. "The dogs, too."

"Thank you," Hollis replies as she hears her daughter cooing away. "I should finish this so I can get them home soon. It was nice talking to you."

Eli smiles at Hollis and he leaves her and her group alone.

Hollis curls up beside Happy on the couch. He holds her and kisses her shoulder. Selena is in her walker chasing the dogs. Every time they bark, she laughs. That's why they're barking, because they're making the younger Lowman laugh.

"When this baby's born, if it's Tig's..."

"Should be a Trager," Happy says. "Unless you and Tig decide different."

Holly nods and she smiles as Happy kissed her neck. "I love you, Marcos."

"I know," Happy replies and he touches her stomach. "I love you, too."

Hollis smiles. It's not often Happy says those words but he says them all the time to her and to Selena. Hap and Holly watch their daughter play. Content. Their family. They just need Tig here and then their family would be completely.

They bring Selena over to Tara's. Hollis puts Selena into the playpen with Thomas. She's not here for Tara. She is here for Jax and she wants to let Selena play with Thomas. She watches Happy play with Abel with a smile. Having a kid changed him.

The phone rings and Tara goes to answer it after telling Bobby she's got it. She turns and she nods, telling the others that Jax is okay. Hollis smiles. She's glad that Jax is okay. S looks over at Selena and Thomas as they coo at each other.

"Hey, Ho-"

"I'm not here for you, Tara; I'm here for Jax and for the kids," Hollis says. "I don't like how you're doing Gemma when it comes to her grand-babies."

Hollis walks over to the babies. "Hi, babies!" She greets and they let our squeals and Abel runs over to hug her, too. "Abe! Hi!"

"Hol!" Abel cheers and hugs her.

"Hey, baby!" Hollis coos and she hugs him close as she lets the babies fiddle with her hands.

Tara watches and she deflates.

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