Chapter Sixty-Seven

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Lockdown is finally over and Holly is at home with her kids and Missy. Hap and Tig were here but they had to do so,etching with the rat / trailer of SAMCRO, Juice. Hollis is making some eggs and rice for Selena because Chana got her to living it. She cooks while breastfeeding Harry in just her nursing bra that Venus got her. Venus is out... working.

Hollis doesn't mind being home alone. She knows she's protected, even if the lockdown is over. Missy is very protective and her dog fighting 'training' has made her very strong, especially her bite. Aeropostale is chasing dust particles in the air because of the dusty driveway to the house that's surrounded a big ass yard while Missy lays guard but the front door on the look out for burglars.

Holly smiled at her family and her dog and car.

Hollis and the kids go to the animal shelter again. She goes to the puppy area this time and she sees a puppy that stands out the most. A black German shepherd.

"She's female and her previous owners had her fixed as soon as she was weened," the owner says

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"She's female and her previous owners had her fixed as soon as she was weened," the owner says. "Her name is Roxie."

"I want her," Holly says. "My dog is okay with other dogs. My cat is still wary of Missy but Aeropostale is a cat. Of course she's wary of dogs."

"I'll get the adoption paperwork ready."

Hollis gives Happy a call.

"Hey, baby," Hap rasps as he sits at the Red Woody and watches the shoot while the guys talk.

"I'm adopting a puppy for the family," Hollis says.

"What kind?"

"A black German Shepherd," Holly replies. "She's solid black and her name's Roxie."

"I can't wait to meet Roxie," Hap says. "I'll let Tig know there's a new dog at home. A puppy. That freak loves dogs."

"He does," Holly replies. "I'll leave you alone. I have puppy adoption papers to fill out. Talk to you soon. Te amo."

"Te amo mucho, me amor," Happy replies before the phone call ends.

Roxie is barking and bugging Missy, who is ignoring the puppy with a straight face. Hollis and Venus (who got home twenty minutes ago) watch in our enjoyment. Aeropostale is perched on the back of the sofa and watches the puppy aggravate Missy and watch as Missy completely ignores the energetic puppy.

Holly is filming it to send it to Tig and Hap. They haven't met the puppy yet. They won't meet her until tonight but she wants to show them this video of Missy and Roxie interacting. Holly sends the video to both Hap and Tig.

It has been a month since Jax got out of jail. Harry has reached one month old and Selena one and now Holly, Hap, and Tig have complete their family with Venus. She's got to see Marcus, Chana, and Luisa again. Tara's dead. Wendy has been helping Gemma take care of Abel and Thomas. Happy and Rat-Boy have went to get Gemma per Jax's request to bring her up to the cabin.

Hollis is just picking Harry up after he interrupted a make out session she was having with Venus. Venus just left for work. Holly feeds her son with her boob while she video chats with Tyrone to talk gang plans.

Hollis has finally stopped bleeding and it's been four weeks. She goes to the doctor today to check her lady business four weeks after giving birth.

Fawn comes by. She has a house with Alessandro in Charming. She's gonna watch her baby siblings while her mom (she sees Holly as more a mom than Colleen and Holly's close to her own age) is at the doctor.

Chana Alvarez stops by to pick Holly up, leaving Luisa with a Mexican babysitter at home. Marcus is busy with club stuff, so are the Sons.

"She's getting ready," Fawn tells Chana once she's inside.

Chana nods her head. "You're Tig's daughter, right?"

"Yeah," Fawn replies. "I was finally safe to come home when August Marks said that my dad's debt was paid."

"I'm glad you're back," Chana says. "Hollis spoke a lot of you."

"Don't over exaggerate, Fawnie," Holly muses as she comes downstairs. "Thanks for this, Chana. My car's at TM."

Chana waves her off and they leave. Hollis goes to the office and she lays back. Her doctor checks her out.

"So, doc. Can I have sex again?" Holly asks.

The doctor smiles. "You can... just start off light."

"Okay," Holly replies. "Thank you."

Holly goes home and grabs the kids. "I'm gonna go to the cabin, Fawn."

"Okay, mom," Fawn says. "I'll keep Selena of you wanna take Harry... or the other around."

Hollis smiles. "I'll take Harry."

"How's the pussy?" Hap asks when Holly arrives at the cabin. "Can you have sex yet?"

"Doctor said yes but I should sort off light, so I'd better have sex with someone with a small dick, which isn't you or Tiggy or V," Holly replies.

"Tig's big?" Rat asks.

Happy snorts. "Length, yes." He looks at Holly. "How was the pres's?"

"His would work but... I don't know how 'light' he would be," Holly says and everyone laughs.

"Hey, Gemma."

"Hey, mama," Gemma greets.

Hollis sits on the couch with Rat and Gemma goes to where the mother and son are. Someone bangs in the door. Happy and Rat grow alert as Harry cries. Holly realizes he's more hungry than scared so she feeds him right there. Rat looks out the window.

"Nero's car," he says.

Happy goes and opens the door.

"Hey," Nero greets.

"What're you doing here?" Hap asks.

Nero enters the cabin. He notices the gun in Happy's hand and is nervous until he sees Holly and Harry. Nero relaxes. He's protecting his wife and son.

"Where's Gemma, guys?" Nero asks.

Gemma walks in from the hallway. "I'm here," she says. "I asked him to come," she says to Hap.

"Does Jax know?" Happy asks.

"Hey..." Gemma chuckles as she walks over. "You pretty much kidnapped me to help some junkie," she says to Hap. "I need another junkie to do that."

Hap nods and he returns to the group sitting down. He takes Harry to burp him and Hollis readjusts her shirt.

"Fawn came by and she's watching Selena," Holly says.

"Okay," Happy replies as his eyes lock on her breasts.

"Guys, no sex in front of the baby," Gemma scolds playfully.

Hap smirks. "Take him to another room then, mom," he muses and Gemma smiled at him.

Hollis lets Nero take the baby and the diaper bag. He goes to a room with him and Hollis sits on Happy's lap and curls into him. Hap hums as he wraps his arms around her. Hap kisses her head and she relaxes against him since she has a couple of hours until Harry gets hungry again.

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