Chapter Eighteen

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A few months later.

After finding out the sex of her and Happy's baby, Hollis goes to Stockton to visit him. Gemma drives her up.

"You good alone?" Gemma asks. "People are creeps in there."

"I'm a Niner, Gem, I'll be fine," Hollis reassures ber.

"Good," Gemma replies.

Hollis nudges her and she heads inside. She leaves her phone at the front and she's lead onto the visiting tables like the Sons do with Otto sometimes.

"I told you not to visit me," Happy rasps as he sits down.

"I found out the sex of our baby and I thought you'd want something to think about," Hollis says. She looks at the guard and he nods. She spoke to him first and he said it's okay. She hands Happy the ultrasound.

Happy looks at it. "A girl?" He looks up. "We're gonna have a daughter?"

"Yes," Hollis replies. "And the guard said you're allowed to keep that in your cell and tape it on your wall or something."

"I want you to do something," Happy says. "Have you been taking this prison clause to name?"


"Do it," Happy urges. "Go have sex with someone else."

"Are you serious?"

"And film it."

Hollis frowns and she tilts her head to the side.

"What?" Happy asks


Happy drops his head back and laughs. "Okay. Maybe don't film it. But visit me after and tell me about it."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, mi siempre," Happy says.

"You have five minutes before others come in," the guard says and turns away.

Happy rounds the table and he kisses Hollis before he sits down and makes her stand. He puts his hands on her pregnant belly and he rests his head on it. Happy's sad he'll be missing his daughter's birth but he's so damn blessed to be having her.

"Time's up," the guard says.

"Gemma's waiting for me, I have to go anyway," Hollis says. "I just thought you'd like to know you're gonna be a girl dad."

Hollis goes to Laroy's the next day knowing that Happy was dead serious about what he told her and she sent word with Gemma when she goes to visit him. Laroy lets her in and she kisses him. Laroy's surprised but he doesn't push her away.

"Prison clause?" Laroy asks.

Hollis nods and she pushes him to the couch and she gets naked. Laroy watches as she gets on her knees and sucks him off and shocks him as she climbs up and slides on him. Laroy hisses at the feeling and he grips tightly onto her hips and pulls her to bite into her shoulder.

Hollis rides him in a hood and steady pace. His dick is the same size as Happy's so it won't stretch her out as much so she's fine with this. Laroy's eyes roll back when he feels her already tight pussy tighten even more and he lets out a growl. His hands on hips, he releases in her as she does around him. Laroy is panting as Hollis carefully stands up and gets dressed.

Laroy stares at Hollis for a while as she looks at her jacket that got peed on by Laroy's car while they were in the middle of this. He grabs his purple jacket and gives it to her.

"I'll wash it," Laroy says. "Wear mine."

Hollis does and she gives Laroy a hug before leaving. A few days later, Hollis visits Happy again and tells him about her and Laroy. And as she suspected, Happy's cool with it and is actually kinda glad his girl listened to him. He has plans for when he gets out of here. The guys are going to bring his bike because he has things to do when he's out.

Hollis spends the rest of the night after visiting Happy again with Axel, who continue to grow daily.

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