Chapter Sixty-Six

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Hollis is at home with Venus and the kids while the guys are at Diosa taking a shot and having a cheers for the deceased ladies. Holly's disappointed because she liked the girls that worked for both Collette and Nero.

Hollis puts Harry in the baby sling and Selena in the stroller and hooking Missy's leash to it before walking. Holly video chatting with Tyrone at the same time. They talk in code about gang stuff because there are people around Holly on the sidewalks.

Holly ends up going back home after walking for a while.

Holly goes back to TM after Tig texts her. He wants to see the kids. She sees Tyler leaving the office at the same time as one of the Grim Bastard's biker crew out of Lodi.


Tyler smiles. "Hey, Baby H." He gives her a hug and he relaxes a little. He hasn't seen her much since the Niners had a memorial for Laroy, Holly had showed up. "Mmm, I've missed you."

"You too, Tyler." Hollis pulls away as Tig takes the kids inside the office. "The roll of boss goes good with you."

"The roll as someone's second in command looks good on you," Tyler says. "So does your new gang tattoo."

Holly looks at her tattoo and she smiles looking at Tyler. "I'll see you around. Don't be a stranger, okay?"

"I won't." Tyler pecks her cheek before walking away.

"Hey, doll," Tig greets as Holly walks in. "We're gonna be working out of here today. Hap and Rat are in Stockton."

"Okay," Holly replies. Holly watches as Jax picks Harry up and looks at him with a small smile.

"Ope would be happy that you named a kid after him," Jax says. "He always said you were the best head he ever got."

"Of course I was, I'm awesome," Holly replies.

Jax chuckles at her cockiness before putting the baby back and Tig puts Selena back into the stroller. Holly talks to them for a few before leaving them so that they can finish their club business.

Holly drives to visit Chana and Luisa Alvarez while Marcus is doing his stuff to see Nero at Diosa and taking him elsewhere. Luisa and Selena are pretty happy to see each other and Chana is thrilled to see her favorite white girl again.

"It's good to see you again," Chana says as she holds Harry. "And it's good to meet this little guy. You are too cute, Harry!"

"It's good to see you again, too, Chana," Hollis replies. "I'm sorry I haven't been around as much. I still wear the rosary that Marcus gave me on my wedding day." She reveals her wrist and Chana smiles.

"That's amazing," says Chana. "I'm sure that makes him happy. That bracelet used to belong to his late sister, Paola Alvarez."

Holly glances down at the bracelet and a small smile forms on her lips. Chana smiles at the action before she looks down at Harry.

Hollis stays around the Alvarez home because she has missed Chana and Selena has missed Luisa, she can tell. Marcus isn't here but Chana has reassured her than Marcus won't mind that she's here to hang out.

Chana has just got done making shredded steak tacos for her and Holly. Selena and Luisa eat some refried beans and rice. Harry has some pumped breast milk from a bottle. Holly is enjoying being away from the club while still on lockdown. She knows she's safe in Mayan territory. Lee from Tacoma sent one of his with her. He stayed with her until she entered Mayan territory. He called Jax and Jax told him to head on back to the Red Woody, telling him that Hollis and the kids are safe on Mayan turf because Marcus Alvarez himself wants her protected.

Chana comes into the living room after using the rest room. "I spoke to Marcus. He said you and the kids can endure your lockdown here. The Mayans will protect you."

Hollis smiles. She had a feeling Marcus wouldn't care. She calls Brooke at the Red Woody and tells her before texting Jax and telling him. The same with Hap and Tig. She also tells Venus where she is because Venus is also at the Red Woody for the lockdown. Venus says she'll stay there and she'll meet Hollis at home because Tig and Hap and Holly both gave Venus a place to live in Charming.

Chana goes outside when she hears a motorcycle and sees Oso.

"Hey, Marcus said he'd be home late tonight," Oso says to her.

"Thank you, Oso," Chana replies. "Tell him that Hollis Lowman is still here with her kids."

Oso nods his head and he heads out. Chana heads back inside with Holly and the kids.

Marcus walks into the house as Chana puts Selena into the crib with Luisa. He and Chana are letting Hollis and her kids stay here until the SAMCRO lockdown is lifted. He wants Hollis and her babies protected. He knows that Holly's family are safe in Stockton at the Red Woody.

"Hey, Hollis," Marcus greets as he sees her feeding Harry.

"Hi, Marcus" Holly greets. "Are you sure I'm not a burden on you guys?"

"Stay until the lockdown's lifted," Marcus says. "I restored the alliance with the Sons."

"That's good," Holly replies. "We needed some Mexicans." She winks at him and the man chuckles.

Marcus sits down with Holly and the two catch over the stuff Marcus has missed in her life as she gets Harry to sleep.

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