Chapter Forty-Six

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Tig goes into Selena's room and he gazes in at her before he leaves with Happy. Hollis goes in next and she sits in the wooden rocking chair. She watches her daughter play with the Mexican doll from Alvarez with a smile on her face. This is who's he loves with all of her. Her and this unborn baby.

Holly touches her still slightly flabby stomach that's full of stretch marks and she smiles. Selena looks up at her mama suddenly and smiles. Hollis smiles right back.

Holly is spending the day at home. Gemma said that Holly could take the day off and Holly is going to take advantage of it and spend time with Selena and clean the house. Hollis does tummy time with her little lady and she puts her in the playpen.

That's when Hollis starts cleaning. She sweeps the floors and does the dishes and washes the countertops. Holly keeps the baby monitor with her when she cleans upstairs but this house needs a deep cleaning. So that's what she is doing.

Nero came over because his head is somewhere else. Holly let him in because she likes the man. He sits down on the couch near the playpen and he smiled at Selena as she babbles with him.

Holly yawns as she comes downstairs. "Sorry. I've been cleaning a lot since I got up and I got up early with Tig and Happy and then Selena woke up."

"Oh, you're fine," Nero says. "I should be the one apologizing for burdening you."

"You're not a burden, Nero, you're just fine," Hollis reassures him. "Stay for as long as you need."

"Thank you, Holly," Nero says with a genuine smile and Hollis nods with a genuine smile in return.

"I can watch her," Nero says to Holly. "You can take your shower if you want."

"Are you sure?" Holly asks. "I don't want to spring her on you."

"Holly, I'm offering," Nero says. "Go. She'll be fine with an OG."

Holly winks at him before she goes upstairs to take a shower. Nero smiles at the baby as she babbles nonsense to her stuffed animals that are in the playpen with her. Nero watches her and he thinks of his own son who has spinabifida.

Hollis ends up having to go to the clubhouse for a lockdown because of events that happened with the Irish and the cartel. Nero goes to meet with his crew. Holly came here because she wasn't just about to risk anything with Selena.

Holly lays a napping Selena in her crib and she leaves a baby monitor in her as she goes into the bar room. She grabs some coconut water from the fridge behind the bar. She knows she shouldn't smoke pot while pregnant but she did with Selena and she turned out perfect. Besides, there's a chance that the unborn baby will have Tig's crazy in his or her blood anyway.

"Hey, where's the baby?" Phil asks as he shows up.

"Sleeping in the dorm," Holly says and shows the baby monitor. "She fell asleep on the way here. I wasn't risking shit. I was coming here regardless when Hap told me what happened with the Irish. "

Phil nods. "Good idea."

Holly nods and she sits on the couch inside the bar room as she keeps an eye on and ear on Selena.

Hollis puts Selena in the sling and goes back out into the bar room. She sees Jax throwing Clay out of the chapel and inviting Nero inside. Holly goes and leans against the pool table and talks to Lyla as the guys get the money from Nero and go to meet the Irish.

Wendy comes back into the room after arguing with Jax and Tara and sees Tig and Happy loving on Hollis. She can't blame them. She's hot.

"I gotta bring her home," Tig says and he stands. "I'll see you two at home."  

Hollis stands in the office while Lyla watches over Selena inside the clubhouse. She watches through the blinds as Happy blacks out Clay's reapers because he was finally voted out. Chibs notices her but he says nothing. He knows she's furious about him killing Piney and that he's behind the home invasions that killed Rita Roosevelt.

Holly watches as Clay takes it like a man for a while before she goes inside. She grabs Selena and she goes home. She brings the baby inside the house and up to the nursery. Holly smiles down at a sleepy but awake Selena.

"Buenas noches, mi amor," Hollis coos. She's doing better with her Spanish, Hap's been teaching her and they've been teaching Selena.

Holly turns the light off as she leaves the room. She goes downstairs and she grabs her milk pumper. She hooks it to her nipples and she sits down at the dining room table. Holly closes her eyes as she listens out for Selena upstairs while she waits for one of her men to come home.

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