Chapter Seventeen

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Happy wakes up first and sees Hollis and Axel snuggling, both sleeping still. He grabs a cigarette. Hollis eventually wakes up and she goes to shower. It was a long night of her waking up every thirty to forty minutes to throw up. She feeds Axel before she brings him with her to the clubhouse.

Opie picks the puppy up and carries him down the hallway to Jax's dorm. Ima sends Hollis a wink as she leaves, where she gets bitch slapped by Lyla. Hollis looks at Phil.

"Hey, Phil, are my electrolytes back there?"

Phil nods. "What would you like?"

"Coconut water," Hollis replies and Phil gets it for her. "Thank you."

"Hap, we're at the table," Clay says.

Happy kisses Hollis's cheek before heading to the church. Axel comes running up the hallway, yipping away. Jasmin coos as she starts playing with he puppy.

"He likes tug-of-war," Hollis says and she reaches into her bag and pulls out a knotted rope.

Jasmin takes it as church begins and she plays tug-of-war with the adorable puppy. The Sons are planning their Ireland-Save-Abel trip coming up. Axel let's out his little growls and Jasmin giggles a little bit.

Happy smiles into Holly's pussy when she moans and grinds her hips against him. He's going to Ireland with the Sons and he's going into prison with them, too. He doesn't know how much time he'll have with Hollis when he gets back.

Hollis grips onto her blankets and moans his legal name, Marcos. This sends happy over the edge. He lays on his back and climbs onto him. Holly releases a moan as she starts to move, her hands resting on his chest. Happy's eyes close as he thrusts up and cums inside of his pregnant old lady as she releases around him.

Hollis hangs around at home while Happy goes off on club business after they're done having sex. She cleans up. The starts with the bathroom and then moves to the kitchen and living room. She goes outside to start working on the dog house for Axel until Tyler and Laroy pop up and make her go inside and rest and they work on the doghouse.

Holly sits on the couch and she watches some tv then. She should have known they'd show up. Laroy and Ty have been around a lot to hang out and she is sure that it's Happy tell8mg them to keep an eye on her while he's on club business. She can only imagine how they're gonna be while he's away in prison with the others.

Hollis makes food for her and everyone else when the guys all leave for Ireland. The Niners all came over to visit their favorite white woman and now she's feeding them. They all sit in the dining room and eat.

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