Chapter Twenty-Four

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"You did the right thing by voting no to drugs," Hollis says to Happy.

"It didn't matter what I voted," Hap rasps. "We're still in the cartel drug business."

Hollis runs a hand down Happy's chest and backup. "What are you going to do with Elena's ashes?"

Elena wound up passing away shortly after going into the hospital.

"She wanted my dad's grave dug up and spread on his coffin," Happy says. "Selma's doing that because I couldn't stand my father. He treated my mom like dirt but..."

"She still loved him," Hollis says and Happy nods. "My mom was the same way with my dad."

Happy inhales sharply when Hollis reaches down and runs her hand over his shaft and moves it back up his torso. His eyes flutter closed at the feeling of Holly's hands running down his chest.

"Your hands feel amazing," he says.

Hollis grabs his dick after putting her hand down his pants.

"Can you get me off fast?" Hap asks. "I gotta go."

Hollis nods and she pulls his pants down. "How long will you be gone?"

"A couple days."

Hollis nods and she takes his dick into her mouth. She uses her hands to stroke what she can't fit and Happy fists the blankets. Holly wanted to take advantage of Selena sleeping - she doesn't wake up for another hour - and have fun with her man, even if it's quick and rushed because he has to go do business for a g**damn cartel because of fucking Clay and Jax.

They move to where Happy is standing and Holly's on her knees in front of him. Suddenly, Happy pushes his dick to the back of her throat - surprising them both with the fact she has no gag reflex - and he releases deep inside of it with a loud, throaty growl. He fists her hair as his head falls back as he cums.

"Ahh, g**damn it." Happy pulls Hollis up. "I'll make up for it when I get back."

Holly nods and she kisses him. "Okay. I love you."

Happy goes to tell her back and Selena wakes up. He goes and picks her up. Selena smiles tiredly at him and he brings her to Hollis. She pops a tit out of her tank top and feeds the hungry baby. Happy kisses Hollis on the lips and Selena on the head before pulling a jacket over his kutte and heading out.

"Hi baby, you're hungry, huh?" Hollis coos as she walks to Selena's bedroom with her.

Hollis brings Selena out to the clubhouse to bid farewell to the bikers. Happy is sitting in the black van with Selena. She keeps wanting to play with the pocket knife Happy has. He's holding it as she touches it so she won't open the blade and cut herself.

"You okay?" He asks her.

"I'm fine." She kisses him. "Be safe."

"I got you two to come home to: I'll be safe," Happy says before passing her Selena and strapping his helmet.

"You better me, Marcos," she whispers his name and he smirks a little. "I expect hard and / it intense sex while Ope and Lyla babysit."

"Hard or intense it both?" Happy glances at Tig and back. "I have an idea. See you in a few days."

Hollis nods and kisses his lips once more. She goes to the picnic tables with the hang arounds and crow eaters. Jasmin is still jealous that Holly is married to Happy and has his baby. But what can she do without being hit or killed? Shelly and Naomi give her a hug and they coo over Selena Lowman.

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