Chapter Fifty-Six

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Shirtless, Happy goes to tend to Selena in her room. He picks up the crying baby and he brings her downstairs. He feeds her a bottle of breast milk that Holly pumped last night before she went to bed. Happy sits in the living room and holds his daughter close.

"Morning," Holly greets as she comes downstairs in only a pair of panties. Her perfect tits are out and Happy all but drools.

"Morning," Happy rasps in response.

Hollis goes to the kitchen and she pours herself some coffee. Holly texts Gemma and she checks on her. She sees Tig come downstairs. He freezes in the kitchen door way when he sees Hollis's nearly naked pregnant body.

Holly turns around. Tig goes into the living room and takes Selena. He nods for Hap to go ahead. Hap squeezes Tig's arm and goes to the kitchen. Happy wraps his arms around his wife from behind and pulls her against him. He moves his hands around and grand Holly's breasts. She hums and relaxes against him as Tig smirks, carrying Selena upstairs.

Hollis, Missy, and Selena go out to the ice cream shop a get a while and go inside at the same time Jax does. Chucky is playing with a kazoo. Happy sees his wife and daughter outside with Chucky. He's sad because this morning went too fast and Hollis is wearing clothes now.

"I'm gonna take Missy for a walk," Holly says to Chucky. "I need Selena's stroller."

Chucky calls Tig and says that Holly needs the stroller and he sends Raine down with it. Hollis thanks Raine before he goes back upstairs and she hooks Missy's leash to the stroller and they start their stroll through Charming.

Holly goes by St. Thomas for a baby check up for her baby while Lucy babysits Selena for her. Holly sees Margaret Murphy and ignores her. That's Gemma's thing. Gemma was Holly's ride here. Holly has her checkup and the doctor does an ultrasound.

"There's your son, Mrs. Lowman," the doctor says with a bright grin.

"He's healthy?"

"Perfectly healthy," the doctor replies.

"Thank you," Holly replies. "I have a daughter at home who's excited about being a big sister." Holly gets a print-off and she leaves. She meets Gemma in the office. "You get what you needed?"

"Yes," Gemma replies and the two leave St. Thomas.

Tig and Bobby take the print offs and Holly looks at Chibs.

"Chibby, will you be my son's godfather, too?" Holly asks.

Chibs looks up from Selena and he smiles warmly at the woman. "Bu toigh leam thu, mo nighean," he replies. (I'd love to, my girl).

Chibs passes the baby to Tig and he pulls Holly into a tight and warm hug. Hollis hums in Chibs' arms and hugs him back just as warmly. Tig watches them with a small smile and Bobby takes Selena from Tig and he loves on her like he wishes he has a chance to do with his own kids.

Tara opens the door to her house and sees Holly.

"This is for lying to Jax about being pregnant."

Tara yells put as she gets punched in the face. Hollis leaves her there and she leaves the Teller house. She goes back to the ice cream shop and she takes Selena.

"You left here suddenly, darlin', you good?" Bobby asks.

"I'm good," Holly replies as she flexes her fingers. "I'm gonna head home with the little miss. See you guys. Love you all."

"Love ye, too, lass," Chibs replies.

Hollis kisses his scarred cheek before she heads out and goes home.

Holly puts her daughter to bed that night and makes sure she's warm before going downstairs in her green long sleeve and some black shorts. She wears her gang colors now. Laroy never made Hollis feel completely welcome into the Niners like Tyrone has in the 8-ers.

Holly gets a text from Tig and Hap.

Tig's reads "Jax is coming over. District his head with that beautiful pussy."

Happy's is more blunt. "Fuck Jax plz. He found out the truth."

Holly hears someone ring the doorbell. She opens the door and she finds Jax.

"Hey," Holly greets. "Come in."

"Tig and Hap text you?" Jax winces.

Hollis grabs Jax's hand and pulls him upstairs. Jax tilts her face up and he looks into her beautiful brown eyes. The blonde licks his lips before he kisses Hollis. Her legs tremble but Jax holds her up. Her legs tremble and her oust, too, every time Happy kisses her and she gets butterflies and horny when Tig kisses her.

Jax leads her to her bed and he puts her on her side. He lifts her leg up once his dick's out and he pushes into the pregnant old lady. He would never be doing this if Holly, Happy, and Tig didn't have an open relationship and have sex with other people if the other two are okay with it.

"G**damn," Jax winces. "Now I see why those two are so in love."

Holly laughs and she lets Jax enjoy himself and she enjoys herself because damn it if he doesn't know what he's doing to her. Jax finishes up inside Holly before he pecks her head and heads to the ice cream shop. Hollis texts Happy and Tig a naked picture of her post-sex and she goes to shower.

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