Chapter Six

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Happy and Hollis leave her dorm and see Half Sack about to show the, his new nut. Holly hurries over and she pushes Tig out of the way. Tig looks between Happy and Holly and he sighs. It's happening.

"Let me see if you can get one of my specials," Holly teases.

Half-Sack suddenly grows anxious as he undoes his jeans.

"Showtime," Bobby sings.

Hollis winces when he pulls his swollen nuts out.

"Is it supposed to be that swollen?" Happy asks.

"Think so," the prospect claims.

Tig takes a good look. "They look uneven."

"One nut's always bigger than the other one," Half-Sack claims. "It's like --"

"Really?" Tig asks


Happy watches as Tig stuffs his hands down his pants.

"Well, I think mine are equally huge, man," Tig says.

"Oh, don't lie, Tiggy," Hollis says. "You'll build your own ego."

Hollis goes behind the bar to grab beers for the guys and Tig swats at her ass. Opie walks in and he sees nuts and Tig's hand in his pants.

"Oh, god, I shouldn't have to see that," Opie says and he looks away.

Tig laughs at him.

"Hey, Ope, beer?"

"Yes, please."

Hollis passes him some beer and he thanks her.

"The new ball," Bobby says.

"I gather," Opie says. "Congrats."


Happy pulls Holly onto his lap before she can leave. Hollis gasps as she lands and Tig watches from where he's at. Hap pulls her legs up and he looks at her tattoo after raising her denim skirt.

"Whoa," Tig gasps when he sees it. "That's good."

"Yeah?" Hollis asks. "I drew Jinx and wanted him tatted on me."

"It looks great, Hol," Tig says.

"Real good," Half Sack says.

"What's goin' on?" Jax asks as he walks over.

"Look at Hollis's new ink," Tig says and Jax walks over.

"That Jinx?" He asks and Hollis nods proudly. "That's real good."

"This looks like club stuff now so I'll go," Hollis says. "See you boys."

Hollis stands and her skirt falls again. She steps outside.

Hollis and the crow eaters are at the Morrow house for the dinner Gemma is wanting to host. Gemma watches as the girls talk and Holly gets a text.


Gemma pulls her to the dining room. "What?"

"Jax and his 'team' walked into new Mayan territory," Holly says. "Big L - Laroy - moved territories. Latoy texted me."

"Thank him for letting you know."

Thanks, Big L, Holly texts and she puts her phone away and rejoins the others.

Gemma takes some meat out of the oven as Tara enters the kitchen. Hollis is glad she brought a salad because Tara never brought it. Holly laughs with the girls.

"The club is the club, my life is my life." Tara says to get,a. "Stay out of it!"

"Hey," a porn star named Lyla greets; she just walked in with her son, Piper, and Opie's kids, Kenny and Ellie. She has some baked macaroni and cheese.

Hollis waves at her from the kitchen before getting back to work.

"Perfect," Tara says with a scoff. "Serving hand jobs for desert?"

"Don't look at me," Hollis demands and Tara quickly looks away.

Tara walks away.

"That's real nice in front of the kids," Lyla snaps. She slams the dish down and storms away.

Motorcycles pull up outside. Hollis doesn't react as she helps the other crow eaters and Gemma set the table with dishes and food.

"Come on, everybody, let's sit down," Gemma says, ignoring her son as he asks what happened to put Tara in such a bad mood.

"Where the hell were you?" Clay asks as he walks into the dining area where the others are.

Happy shoots Hollis a wink as he passes with Clay, Half-Sack, and Tig.

"What are you talking about?" Jax asks.

"I got two guys laying in hospital beds..." Clay says as Hollis distracts herself with Shelly (a crow eater) by talking little things like how Holly is looking for another job "and the rest of you decide not to pick up your g**damn phone?"

"We were neck deep in our own pile of shit," Bobby grunts.

"Well, we almost got killed trying to take back our guns, man," Tig says.

"Club business," Bobby snarks. "Not here, asshole."

Tig shoves Bobby and immediately, Shelly brings a tense Hollis outside. Her father was very violent with her mother and so was her brother with her. This was triggering for her. Shelly passes the tatted woman a cigarette and she smokes with a shaky hand. They go inside when Deputy David Hale shows up and he says they found Luann Delaney, Porn Queen and the old lady of Otto Delaney, dead. Beaten.

"Let's get you to the clubhouse," Shelly says and she leads Hollis out when the fighting begins again.

Shelly stops by the gas station and gets Hollis a pack of cigarettes. She lights one as soon as she's back in her dorm, stuck with memories of her horrible past with her abusive father and her just as abusive brother from when they were alive.

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