Chapter Fifteen

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"You okay, Gemma?" Hollis asks Gemma in the hospital about half a week later.

Gemma came home and she talked to someone from Belfast, Ireland and found out that her grandson is up there. Kidnapped. Her heart started acting up and she's collapses outside the clubhouse. Gemma woke up to see her favorite old lady, Hollis.

"I'm okay right now besides the fact everyone lied to me about Abel," Gemma replies.

"I knew he was missing but Jax and Clay didn't want you to hear it from someone else but them."

"Even though I did," Gemma says.


"So, I got your text." Gemma smiles. "How's the baby?"

"Good; that jumping scared me, almost lost it but good," Hollis replies. "I'm going on seven weeks."


"The one time we have sex without a condom because we ran out, I get pregnant with his baby," Hollis comments.

Gemma grabs her hand. "I'm so happy for you and Happy... the both of you."

"Thank you, Mama Gem," Hollis says with a smile.

Someone knocks on the door and when it opens, it's Clay.

"Gem, want something?" Holly asks.

"No thanks, sweetie," Gemma says.

Hollis smiles and she nods at Clay. "Clay."

"Holly," Clay nods in return.

Hollis leaves Gemma's hospital room and she goes to the cafeteria here in St. Thomas. She gets herself a bottle of Berry Fanta and a BLT sandwich. She goes outside to sit on the bench in front of the St. Thomas sign and she eats as a Harley pulls up - Happy's Harley.

"Hey," Happy rasps.

"Hey," Holly greets. "Clay's with Gemma right now."

Agent June Stahl pauses when she sees the couple talking. She's seen Hollis Norway around. She's the one who arrested Teddy Norway for domestic abuse and later arrested the younger one, Hollis's brother, for the same thing when he married someone named Selena and he had beat Selena Marsden to death.

"I have a name for a baby girl," Hollis says.

"What's that?"

"Selena," Hollis replies. "Selena Marsden Lowman. Selena after my sister-in-law who was beat to death by brother like my mother was by my father."

"I like that name," Happy rasps. "Let's get to the waiting area. Everyone's here." Happy grabs her hand. "I like Matteo for a boy. Or Felix."

They join the others in the waiting area and find Jax adding sugar to his coffee in a paper cup.

"How is she?" Bobby asks.

"She said she's okay enough despite being upset no one told her about her grandson," Hollis replies.

"She's awake?" Jax asks her, his blue eyes wide.

"Yeah," Hollis replies. "Clay's with her. I got hungry and then Hap found me."

"Yo," Jax says to the club.

Happy holds his girl's hand. He's not part of SAMCRO, yet, so he won't join in on their conversation unless Jax wants him to since Jax is the Vice President of the mother charter here in Charming. Happy kisses the back of her hand and she leans against him.

Hollis suddenly jumps up and she runs to the bathroom to throw up. She's been getting night and late night sickness and some early morning nausea. Happy sighs and the club returns to him.

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