Chapter Thirty-Two

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Hollis has been crying off and on all night. Opie called her at some point that night and told her that he found Piney dead, a gunshot in the chest: a shotgun shot. Happy and Tig stayed with her and Tig stayed the night because he didn't want Hollis alone.

Hollis now is now naked and sleeping in bed with an equally naked Tig. Happy is in some grey sweatpants and he's tending to Selena. Last night was long. He and Tig took Hollis's kind off Piney with sex: her watching the men and it did distract her. She wound up joining. Tig ate her out while being fucked.

Tig wakes up first and he sees Hollis beside him. Her top half is out of the blanket and bottom half covered. He kisses her perfect tattooed titties and she wakes up with a moan.

"We got club stuff," Tig murmurs. "Happy notes Anita."

Hollis smiles. Anita is still nannying? Holly gets up and Tig watches as she bends down to pick up some panties from the bottom drawer. She hasn't shaved her pussy in a while but Tig loves it. So does Happy. She's agreed to let it grow and once it reaches full bush, she'll keep it trimmed and clean. For both her boyfriend and her husband and her husband's boyfriend.

Hollis finishes getting dressed and she goes downstairs. "What happened? Why did you stop watching Abel?"

"Tara wanted someone different," Anita replies.

"Well, Selena is in her playpen," Hollis says. "The dogs will protect you but there is a gun..."

"Happy already gave me the talk and so did Tigger," Anita replies. "You guys go. I got your little one."

"Thanks, Anita," Hollis says. She kisses Selena on the head before leaving.

Chibs, Tig, Happy, and Jax are at some place with Gaalen as muscle. Tig is sitting at a piano and Happy is leaning against it. Everyone knows about those two and Hollis. They constantly tease them but they're okay with it.

Tig is playing off key with one fire and stops as a crying woman leaves. "That ain't good," he says.

Tig, Happy, and Chibs go upstairs and find Jax looking into rooms holding babies in cribs. Crying babies in multiple cribs. They stop behind Jax at one room and look in.

"Jesus Christ," Chibs comments. "What the hell is this, Jackie?" He asks.

"It's another g**damn baby factory," Jax snarls. This was what he found Abel in when he went to Belfast to save his firstborn son.

"What?" Tig whispers and he sees a baby girl pulling herself up in the crib. The baby looks like Selena but he knows Selena's safe. Another baby pulls herself up.

"Hey, who the hell are you?" A man demands as he gets closer.

When Chibs raises his gun, Jax is quick to lower his arm.

"No," Jax says sternly. "No guns, bro. Too many kids."

Then the fighting begins. Fighting, yelling, battle cries. Punching. Babies crying loudly.

When Clay enters the clubhouse, he finds Tig surrounded by three woman, with Happy and Hollis's permissions: Naomi, Regina, and Nyla (the newest crow eater).

"Oh, that's good," Tig says as Nyla does something to his back.

"Where is everybody?" Clay asks as he comes in. "Chibs went home. Hap and Holly went home to relieve Anita; I'll be there later. Haven't seen Bobby or Juice. I think Jax finally tracked down Ope... and Chance and Kozik are dead."

"Thanks for the update," Clay says. "You hanging out?"

"For a little while then I'm headed to my peoples," Tig replies and the crow eaters all giggle, they like Tig, Happy, and Hollis together. "Why?"

"Ah... I got a vibe from my meet with the Mexicans," Clay claims. "Felt wrong."

"Wrong how?" Tig asks as the ladies stop massaging and talking about Tig/Happy/Hollis sex and how hot the think it would be to join.

"Wrong like, uh... I may need another guy with a gun," Clay says as he looks at Tig who is texting Hollis to have fun for him and he'll get her when he gets there.

"Rat's in the garage," Tig replies as he scowls at the pussy picture of Hollis. "Little bitch," he grumbles and he shows the women.

"She always did have the best pussy between us," Regina says.



"Ooh!" Nyla looks. "Damn. She does have a nice one."

Tig smirks at them and looks at Clay. "I'm sure Jax'll be back soon," he says. He texts Hollis and calls her a little bitch and he reveals one of Nyla's gorgeous biracial tits and sends her a picture of it.

"Yeah. He will."

Tig gets a picture of Hollis's tits with Happy's dick in between them. "I'm gonna kill her," he says before he watches Clay walk toward the hall to the dorms. "Hey, girls, want an orgy when someone can babysit Selena during the night?"

"With who?"

"You three, me, Happy, and Hollis," Tig says.

"Oh, hell yes!" Nyla replies. "She's hot as hell!"

"She became hotter when she got married and had a baby," Regina says.

"You're damn right," Tig replies.

Tig sits on the love seat and he looks at the picture as the ladies go out. He starts pumping his dick looking at the picture of Hap's dick and Hollis's natural and gorgeous 35 DD tits.

Tig is just finished busting a nut when Opie comes storming in, gun in hand. Tig quickly puts his dick back into his pants when he sees Opie storming into the chapel and he traps Clay against the table.

"Don't!" Opie warns when Clay goes to reach for his gun. Opie grabs Clay's gun and throws it out of the chapel. His gun is aimed right at Clay, even though he's not holding the murderer down. The man who killed his wife Donna and now his father. "Sit," he demands. "You're gonna die at the gavel."

With emotional blue eyes, Clay slowly backs away from Opie toward his president's chair.

"I get to say anything here?" Clay asks.

"My old man get to say anything before you blew a hole in his chest!?" Opie yells. "Sit down!"

Clay slowly backs the rest of the way to his chair and but he doesn't sit in it. "Somebody's been lying to you, Ope."

"Having Donna killed — that a lie?!" Ope snaps hatefully. When it comes to Clay, he is so full of hate, especially in this very moment. At this moment, Clay is the monster who murdered his father and wife. The man who abused Gemma.

"Jesus Christ, that's history, man," Clay says. "Stahl bending the truth. That score is settled."

"No, it's not!" Ope yells. "You sit down!" He bellows. "Sit... down."

Clay slowly lowers himself into his chair at the gavel. The president's chair. Clay hears the clubhouse door open and close. He assumes it's Tig leaving.

"Ope!" Jax yellls as he slides into the room right before Opie can shoot Clay. "Put it down." Jax aims his gun and Ope looks at him. "Please, Ope. Don't make me kill you."

Opie shoots Clay three or four times in the chest. Clay grunts with each hit as he's thrown against the wall. Jax stares at Opie in shock.

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