Chapter Sixty-Five

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Venus carefully lays Harry into his crib and she goes downstairs to get an update on Tig and Hollis texts Hap to check on Diosa.

"Get your stuff, V, and some of mine, we're on lockdown," Holly says. "I'll get the kids."

Venus nods. She doesn't have much stuff here. Holly goes into the kids room. She packs up her kids stuff: bottles, diapers, baby food for Selena, spare clothes in case of accidents, baby wipes, and such. Hollis gets her babies down to the car where they find Alessandro and Fawn on his Harley. He waits for them to get into the car and he follows them to Stockton... to the Red Woody... for the lockdown.

Hollis is feeding Harry when Chibs enters. Holly smiles at him and he smiles back. Holly goes over to where Abel is with Wendy. Holly burps her son before putting him in his carrier on the stroller Selena is in.

"You okay?" Wendy asks Holly.

"Yeah, not my first lockdown," Holly replies. "I was even brought into them as a crow eater."

"It's different now, isn't it?" Wendy asks. "Bring protected while you're an old lady to two bikers?"

"Yeah," Holly admits. "It is very different. If I fought it, Happy would have carried me."

"Probably," Wendy agrees.

Hollis smiles at her babies while Wendy helps Gemma with Abel and with Thomas. Hollis wraps an arm around a crying Lyla when Gemma leads her over to the couch. Happy takes the babies off again to show them both off now to the other people. Jax goes to check on Abel when he arrives and Wendy tells him how the kid is scared.

Lyla lays her head on Holly's shoulder and she cries. Venus smiles sadly at them. She can tell that Lyla is sad about what happened at Diosa and truth be told, Venus is, too. She was brought by a place like that when Nero found her and saved her life from Alice.

Venus goes to sit down with them and Lyla smiles at her as introductions are made.

"Tara changed her will right before she was killed," Holly says to Wendy a little later while the guys are at church. "You're Thomas and Abel's legal guardian, Wendy."

"I'm sorry, hon."

"It's okay." Holly sighs. "I should have known. I fucked Jax after that whole fake pregnancy thing. I hurt her because she laid hands on me. I was pregnant with Harry at the time."

Hollis goes to check on her babies since Hap left them with some crow eaters. Nyla and Candy give Holly a hug and gush over her very sexy mom body and Hollis brings her over to where Venus is. Hollis on her lap as they both talk to the babies.

Holly watches as Brooke kisses Rat and she whistles at them. She sits with her kids on the couch. They're both asleep on her chest as Venus walks over. Venus is wearing a black skirt with a white button down shirt that's over halfway unbuttoned and her tits are showing, and some heels. She looks beautiful. 

Venus wraps her arm around Holly as Wendy goes to talk to Wayne before he heads out with Gemma. Nero walks inside and Gemma goes off to talk to him in private. V gazes at Hollis and can't help but feel an immense attraction to her, especially while she's being a good mother. Venus looks over at Holly's gang, who are keeping guard.

"Hey, guys," Hap greets as he walks over. "You guys cool?"

"We're good, sugar," Venus purrs as Jax goes to talk to Nero and the club. "Long as I see you naked. Soon."

"Flirting time can wait," Tig says. "Let's go. You two behave," he warns as he points at Venus and Hollis before heading upstairs.

And the lockdown continues until the club and the 8-Er gang gets it handled.

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