Chapter Fifty-Four

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Hollis has changed into her gang outfit that Tyrone had Willa send. It's black maternity skinny jeans, a green tank top, a black leather vest, and some green sneakers to match the tank. She's still with Venus, she and Selena are.

Hollis watches as Venus sprays herself with perfume.

"I'm gonna go check out the new spaces for the Sons," Holly says, "let Hap see Selena. Call me if you need me, V."

"I will, my tattooed goddess," Venus replies and she kisses her and Selena laughs. "See you again soon, little goddess."

Hollis leaves and she goes to the ice cream shop where the Sons are setting up. They're renting it from Jacob Hale, the Mayor. Holly carries Selena upstairs while Jax and Bobby talk to Jacob. Happy walks over and he takes Selena. He covers her in kisses and the baby laughs.

"Me lass!" Chibs hugs Hollis and she smiles.

"See?" She sends Happy a look. "Someone loves me."

Chibs drapes an arm over Holly and Happy physically rolls his eyes. He passes the baby to Jax's open arms and Hap goes to help bringing stuff up and in. Jax passed her to Hollis before he goes outside.

Holly goes downstairs when the chapel is made into room upstairs. Holly sits at the counter with Selena in a seat and she talks to Chucky a little before she brings her daughter back home.

Happy brings the new guys to the house and they see Hollis breast feeding openly.

"Hey," Hollis greets. "Oh! You're the new patches."

"This is Raine Quinn, Alessandro Montez, and Orrin West," Hap introduces. "Guys, this is Hollis Lowman. Mine and Tig's old lady."

"Ah, the polyamory rumor's true then," Orrin comments.

"Very," Holly replies.

"We voted Rat in."

"Good," Holly replies.

"But we gotta head," Happy says. "Wanted you to meet the new guys."

"Where do you think you're going without kissing me?" Holly asks Happy. "Chibs kissed me on the cheek and he's not apart of our circle."

Happy exhales slowly and he kisses Holly. Raine fist bumps Alessandro and Orrin before Hap shoves them out of the house. Hollis smiles as she burps her daughter and lays her on the floor mat. She rubs her swelling stomach that continues to grow.

Holly goes to the ice cream shop in her 8-er colors when Venus texts her. She leaves Selena with Lyla's sister with Ellie, Harry, and Piper. Viper pulls Hollis against her. Holly huffs when her face gets smothered but she doesn't complain.

"Let her breathe," Gemma jokes.

"I don't mind, at all," Holly says as she leans against the bar between Bobby and Jax, they drape their arms around her. "Tell them what you told me, V."

Venus nods. "I - I have this nephew, and he's fifteen-years-old. He's a sensitive thing. His mother passed while I was away. And I - I've just now become aware that..."

"Wait..." Jax cuts in. "Your sister?"

"Yes, my sister Lula," Venus says. "And the-the-the boy, Joey, has fallen into a very precarious care of my mother Alice. She unfortunately was documented as 'next of kin'."

"Yeah," Gemma says, "Nero says she's really bad news."

"Oh, Alice is a 24-hour network of bad news," Venus says as Tig sits near her at the table. He wants Venus to be the fourth with him, Holly, and Hap - because Hap and Holly agree, too. "Abuse abounds within the walls of that house."

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