Chapter Sixty-Nine

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Tyrone, Hollis, and a few others go with the Sons to meet to get Bobby back. Holly left the babies with the Mayans because she trusts those Mexicans. She's here as Ty's second in demand.

Tyrone sees August about to shoot Bobby. "No!"

Ty shoves Bobby out of the way and takes a bullet in the chest. Holly pulls Bobby over behind her and the crew and August's eyes widen in horror.

"You're..." Tyrone gurgles on his own blood as he looks at Holly "... you're the boss now, baby girl," he slurs. "You will rock that shit."

Hollis watches as Tyrone falls and he dies. She sees the 8-Errs looking at her like they did him. She looks at August and he grows tense as she smirks.

(Author's Note: I'll be changing the spelling from 8-Ers to 8-Errs from here on out.)

"Welcome to your war against the 8-Errs, August," Holly says. "Where you're destined to fail because we are the largest gang in the world. Tyrone had just got us a connection in Germany."

August stares at her with wide, horrified eyes as she takes her rightful place as gang boss. Holly glances at Bobby and he looks at her.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"I can live with an eye and an ear," Bobby replies. Moses took his left ear the last time and sent it to the Sons.

Holly nods and she looks at August. "I'd leave if I were you. Anyone comes after Bobby and you'll get them back... one body part at a time."

August and his guys then leave.

Bobby walks over and he hugs Hollis. She hugs him back.

"Now get his ass to St. Thomas," Hollis demands her guys and they immediately bring Bobby to the Impala.

"What about you, boss?" Darius asks.

"I'll ride with them," Holly says and the Sons nod. "Darius, you're my number two. Does that work for you?"

Darius nods. "Yes, ma'am. We'll call with an update after a doc has seen Bobby."

"Good, now go."

"Hey, boss lady," Tig greets and he touches her face. "Let's get the van out here so we can get Tyrone buried. Does he have a family?"

"A wife and kid," Holly replies. "I'll make the call."

Hollis sits down at Luna's Bakery at a table with a cake with Tyler. She's wanting to form an alliance with the Niners.

"I'm sorry about Tyrone, Baby H," Tyler says.

"I know... he did it to save Bobby Munson," Holly says. "I'm the boss now."

Tyler nods. "What's this about, Baby H?"

"Forming an alliance between the 8-Errs and the Niners since August struck up a war between him and the 8-Errs," Hollis replies. "That's what I'm here for. We already have an alliance with the Sons of Anarchy's mother charter and a few other charters. Now we need you guys. I know you're a better leader than Laroy. He wouldn't have this sit down to form an alliance with the 8-Errs. You were always my favorite Niner, Tyler."

Tyler nods. He licks his lips. "Alright. I'll hear you out, Baby H. Talk to me."

"So?" Darius asks as Hollis leaves the bakery.

"We got the alliance," Hollis replies. "Now if August tries anything against the Niners, the 8-Errs will go after him."

"I got a call... Bobby's gonna make it, he will just be able to see and hear out of one ear, and he'll have to stop riding but he'll be a hang around for the club," Darius says.

"At least he'll live thanks to Tyrone's sacrifice."

"And our network grows because of the alliance you made happen, Holly," Darius replies. "I'm so fucking proud. It's not that Laroy didn't want an alliance, he didn't want a sit down with Tyrone. Tyrone wasn't the boss you thought he was. He was evil. You're a badass and everyone already loves you."

Holly smirks and curtsies. Darius rolls his eyes and they head up to the cabin.

"How's Bobby, baby?" Gemma asks Holly.

"He's gonna live," Holly replies. "He lost his ear and eye, won't be able to ride with the MC, but the guys are gonna let him hang around. But he'll live. Tyrone saved his life.  He now I'm the boss of a huge ass gang and I already did a win."


"The Niners and 9-Errs are now alliances," Hollis replies.

"That's amazing, sweetheart," Gemma says.

"I'm gonna head home with my babies since Tig said he cleaned the stuff off the walls," Holly says. She gives Abel a hug before she heads back home.

She sets the alarm and Missy goes to eat. Holly feeds her babies and she puts them in their cribs when they decide to nap. Holly starts going through the gang's records to see what all Tyrone did and to see how she can do different.

That's what Hollis Norway Lowman is doing when Venus walks in. Venus smiles. She's glad that Holly is getting a handle on being a gang boss. Venus kisses Holly on the head and goes up to shower and check on the babies. Holly smiles and she calls Bobby's cellphone and he talks to her since he's awake and at St. Thomas, Jax right by his side, and he is beyond thankful for Tyrone saving his life, even if it meant Tyrone sacrificing his own life and forcing August Marks into a war against the 8-Errs, the biggest and most dangerous gang in the country.

"Much love, Holly," Bobby says. "We'll talk soon. Get high together."

"Okay, Bobby, love you, brother."

"Love you, too, sister," Bobby replies and he hangs up.

Holly goes upstairs and she sees Venus naked and in bed, her big dick hard. Hollis walks over and sits on it, wet instantly when Venus invites her. Hollis's eyes roll to the back of her head as Venus fills her up. Holly grabs Venus's luscious tits and rides the hell out of her until they both cum, inside and around one another.

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