Chapter Nineteen

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Four months later.

Hollis is hanging out with Gemma and Tara when her and Tara's water break at the same time. The two laboring mothers look at each other and Gemma yells for Piney. Gemma and Piney get Hollis and Tara to St. Thomas.

Hollis writers in pain in her bed as a contraction starts. She feels nauseous because of the pain and she touches her stomach, pleading for her baby to come quickly. This shit hurts.

Gemma holds Hollis's hand to soothe her as the doctor comes in checks her dilation. Tara had her baby not even thirty minutes after arriving and had a boy and named him Thomas. Thomas James Teller.

"You're at seven, that's..."

"One damn centimeter," Hollis says with a scowl. "This girl wants to take her time, doesn't she?"

"It appears so," the doctor says before leaving.

"I wish Happy was here, Gem."

"I know, baby," Gemma coos as she smiles affectionately at the woman. "I know. I bet he wishes that, too."

"AHHHHH!!!!" Hollis growls loudly as she starts to push. "I'm gonna kill him when he's out!"

Gemma lets Hollis squeeze her hand as she pushes until the shrill cry of her baby fills the room.

"Here she is," the doctor announces. "Your baby girl."

Hollis cries in joy that her baby girl is here. "My Selena," she says sweetly.

Hollis holds her daughter, Miss Selena Marsden Lowman

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Hollis holds her daughter, Miss Selena Marsden Lowman. She looks up when someone knocks and Laroy enters with Tyler. They see Holly holding her sleeping newborn baby girl.

"She's beautiful, little lady," Laroy says as he smiles at the baby.

"Yeah?" Hollis smiles. "Thank you, Big L."

She lets her Niner gang members hold the baby as Gemma goes to her newborn grandson and Tara.

"What's the newest Niner / Son / Daughter's name?" Tyler asks.

"Selena Lowman," Hollis replies.

"After your brother's wife?" Big L asks and Hollis nods. "That's a beautiful name."

"Thank you."

Tyler takes the baby next after Laroy's done holding and meeting her. Laroy looks at Hollis and she looks really happy. That's what he wanted for her. Happiness. She's got it with her daughter, so he's happy. He calls Bee to give her an update because Bee and Holly are pretty close.

Hollis holds Selena close when she gets her back and Laroy leaves with Tyler. Holly is content. All she needs now is Happy out of the slammer.

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