Chapter Twenty-Three

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Hollis dresses in some black capris and a deep purple v-neck t-shirt before she brushes her naturally wavy-curly hair. She is about to grab her shoe when she hears Selena crying. She goes to her nursery and picks her up. She lays Lena on her changing table and she changes her diaper before she brings her to the main bedroom and lays her on the bed with her toys.

Happy's at his aunt's house with Kozik and one of the prospects getting the guns so Hollis is alone with Selena. She knows that club comes first. Always. Hollis is okay with that. Her family and Selena comes first. Always.

"Wanna go get groceries with mama today, my baby?" Hollis asks and Selena cheers. "Yeah?" She gets Selena dressed in a deep purple and black dress (Niner colors) and some black shoes.

Hollis leaves her hair down to hide her gang tat as she leaves the house once Axel is fed. There's a doggy door his side in the back so he can go out and potty and run around I'm the backyard as he pleases.

Holly goes by the local mart to get some groceries. She wants to make a big dinner for when Hap gets back from his aunt Selma's house in Bakersfield. She pushes the cart with her daughter inside it as she goes down the different isles.

Hollis sits in the office at TM with Selena in her jumper seat thing that looks like walker. She looks at the rosary bracelet and she sighs. She glances toward TM. They're working on fixing up the inside and the table in the chapel.

She grabs a cigarette after opening the door and she lights it. Holly leans against the doorway and she watches her daughter coo at a toy frog on her seat. Hollis can't stop the smile creeping on her face.

Hollis looks outside and she spots the prospect, Phil. Phil is her favorite prospect of his group of three. He's nice, tall, and he doesn't judge Hollis on the face she was once a crow eater. The other two seem to do it sometimes when they think Hollis can't hear them or see them looking at her.

"Hey, Hollis," Phil greets.

"Hey, Phil," Hollis greets.

"Hap wants you in Bakersfield to meet his aunt and mom," Phil says. "I'm supposed to follow."

"Let's go then." Hollis gives Gemma a call before she grabs Selena, Selena's diaper bag, and goes to her car.

Hollis and Phil go up to Bakersfield and Happy and the guys with him are waiting for her. Happy kisses her and Selena's head before leading them inside as Jax and Tig tell Phil what's went down.

"Selma, ma, this is my wife, Hollis, that you missed meeting by not being able to make it to the wedding," Happy says, "and this is our daughter, Selena."

Elena gasps as she walks over. This is one of her food days. She is still cancer ridden but she's good today. She touches the babies face and Hollis's.

"Welcome to the family, Hollis," Elena coos. "And you too, miss Selena."

"Hi, Hollis," Selma greets.

"How long can you stay?" Happy asks.

"A little while before I have to feed Axel," Hollis replies honestly. "Axel is our Staffordshire bull terrier."

"Beautiful breed," Elena says as she holds her granddaughter. "Oh, you look like your father!" She sits on the couch with the curious baby. "Yes, you do."

"I'll be back," Happy says and leaves.

"I've never seen that man's eyes so full of life with anyone but Elena," Selma admits as she and Hollis watch Elena and Selena from the kitchen's open wall. "But then I saw how he looks at you and at Selena. You're good for my nephew, Hollis. I wish he'd have stopped being stubborn and introduced us before he went to prison and before the wedding, but I'm glad you're his wife... has he told you about Jacqueline?"

Jacqueline Welch is... was a black girl from here in Bakersfield. She and Happy dated from age fifteen to twenty-five until she cheated on him with a woman named Sierra Jones. Sierra and Jacque were in a car accident five years ago and they died.

"Yeah," Hollis replies. "He didn't tell me too much but that he loved her."

"And then she broke his heart," Selma says. "Come on. Elena might wanna get to know you, too."

Happy goes into his mom and aunt's to find his mom and Hollis laughing while Selma holds Selena. Happy glances at his aunt and she smiles at him.

"Those two," Selma says, "it's like they've known each other for years. You chose a good one, Marcos."

Happy nods with a smile. "Thanks, Selma." He pecks her head and he runs a finger down Selena's cheek.

"This little one is an absolute Angel," Selma says.

"That's all Hollis," Happy says. "I hate it. She raised Selena for the first five months."

"You're here now, Marcos," Selma says. "Stay here for her and for Selena."

"That's the plan," Happy replies.

"Marcos!" Hollis yells when Elena starts coughing and blood comes into her hand. "Selma! It's Elena!" Hollis goes into the room. "She's coughing up blood."

She takes the baby so that Happy and Selma can rush to Elena's aide. Elena has had cancer for a while now and according to Hap, it continues to get worse. Happy calls for an ambulance.

"Hey, Holly, can you bring Selena to Charming?" Happy asks. "I'll be home soon."

"Okay." Hollis smiles at Elena. "You gonna make it?"

Elena nods. "I'm a tough old hag. I'll be fine."

Hollis smiles and she gives her a hug and them Selma before heading out with Selena. Happy is gonna stay a while with his mom, until he knows something about her health and Hollis understands that completely. Elena is his mother.

Hollis puts Selena into her seat at home and she sits on the couch. She gazes at her little girl in nothing but pure love and adoration as Happy told her that he's at the hospital with Elena, and so is Selma. Holly tells him that she'll think of Elena before she puts her phone down. She eventually decides she wants to work so she brings Selena and Axel to the clubhouse. She feeds him in the office and he guards Selena as Hollis works.

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